Automotive Industry Essays

  • The Automotive Electronics Industry: The History Of The Automotive Electronics Industry

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    The automotive electronics industry is mainly made up of a group of companies that provide and develop electronics based on four major categories namely, power controls, safety controls, communications and entertainment systems, and body electronics. These electronics address energy saving, environmentally friendly, safety, comfort, communications and entertainment aspects for the automotive market (Deloitte, 2013). For Mobileye’s case, it is currently operating in the safety controls segment (developing

  • Automotive Industry Analysis

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    The automotive industry is one of the most important sectors of the economy for every country in the world. It involves a large number of corporations and institutions engaged in the manufacturing process of motor vehicles including designing, developing, manufacturing, marketing, and selling. It contributes to the global economic growth by generating a significant return and creating a ripple effect on supporting the supply chain as well as providing job opportunities for the skilled workers (ACEA

  • Outlook for the Automotive Industry

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    world there are numerous automotive manufacturers. Appendix A is a list of 215 that can be found on the Wikipedia Website titled List of current automobile manufacturers (alphabetical). (List of current automobile manufacturers (alphabetical)) Due to the restricted amount of time available of information on manufacturers, and the restricted amount of time available for this paper, research was limited to only the manufacturers listed below for the majority of the industry outlook. [replace with

  • Advertising in the Automotive Industry

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    The Automotive Media: Last Bastion of Sanity in the World of Political Correctness Welcome to the automotive world, the last holdout in the battle against political correctness. This is one of the few places left where one can make a statement about women and men and not be assaulted with court cases or be accused of being a bigot. In the automotive media, it is still acceptable to represent men in business suits driving luxury vehicles, and to show mothers driving their kids in a minivan. There

  • Essay On Automotive Industry

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    competitive and innovative automotive industry that generates movements throughout the economy – from raw materials and parts supply, to R&D and manufacturing, to sales and after-sales services. Manufacturers have trained and developed a highly-skilled workforce, producing quality products for home as well as international markets. Automotive industry supports over 2 million European jobs and with an additional 10 million citizens employed with its associated industries. Exports are estimated at

  • Globalization of the Automotive Industry

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    Just like the other industries such as apparel, electronics, and consumer goods, the automobile industry has accelerated its foreign direct investment, cross border trade and global production. The automobile industry has increased outsourcing and bundled value chain activities in major supplier chains. As a result, more developed countries that serve as suppliers have increased their involvement in trade and FDI. With these increased supplier capabilities, large national suppliers have become global

  • Automotive Industry Essay

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    traveler car market in South-East Asian Nations (Malaysian Industrial Development Authority, 2010). For that reason, the automotive industry has become one of the major industrial and economic forces worldwide. In this industry, it encompasses overall in the manufacture of motor vehicles,

  • Trends in the Automotive Industry

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    Trends in the Automotive Industry 1. Consolidation The trends in the automobile industry present through the 1990s intensified as the industry moved into the twenty-first century. Global convergence stood out as a major issue. And the consolidation was continuing from 1990 to 2000. 2. Mergers and acquisition There was a great deal of consensus amongst commentators that in a few years the industry would consist of no more than six giants, with a peppering of niche players. Mergers

  • The South African Automotive Industry

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    Much emphasis has been placed on globalization in the automotive industry as a result of the rapid increase in automotive exports. The role of government somewhat distinguishes the automotive industry from other industrial sectors, by means of policy implementation steering its development(Lamprecht 2009:7).The assist of government through the motor industry development program(MIDP),first established in 1995,has acted as a driving force in the promoting of competitiveness and export expansion.The

  • Swot Analysis Of Automotive Industry

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    Column # 9 ECON 21 7:30 AM – 9:00 AM MW INDUSTRY: AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY One of the leading industries today is the automotive industry. The automotive industry is principally composed of a broad range of organizations and societies involved in the fabrication and sale of motor vehicles. Organizations and establishments that design and develop the different components of the vehicles are also included in this industry. The automotive industry has an oligopoly type of market structure. An oligopolistic

  • Australian Automotive Industry Essay

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    Automotive manufacturing industry is the largest employment source and biggest output provider in Australia. The share of total contribution of this industry in Australian economy and employment has declined through last decades. In 2011, government has introduced different scheme including the Automotive Competitiveness and Investment Scheme (ACIS) converting the assistance in other forms such as subsidies, tax concessions and 'one-off' payments. Despite the huge assistance the industry is losing

  • Australian Automotive Industry Essay

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    Since 2004 the automotive manufacturing industry in Australia has seen a steady decrease in the production volumes and profitability for manufacturers (Industry, June 2014 Automotive Update, 2014). Many governmental schemes have been introduced over time to increase efficiency and facilitate international competitiveness with varying degrees of success, however despite these attempts by the Australian government to increase and sustain international exports of automotive products, local firms still

  • The Australian Automotive Manufacturing Industry

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    The Australian automotive manufacturing industry has experienced substantial structural change (“Productivity Commission”, 2014). This has been in response to changing market and competitive conditions overseas and in Australia, and reduced levels of assistance from governments (“Productivity Commission”, 2014). Following similar decisions by Holden and Ford, these factors have led to Toyota’s decision to abandon manufacturing in Australia by 2017. AMWU National Vehicles Secretary Dave Smith said

  • The Automotive Industry and Its Mitigation Strategies

    1985 Words  | 4 Pages

    For the last two years, the car industry has experienced constant changes in the world political conditions, economic climate, socio-cultural transformation and technological advancement. Today’s carmakers have been astonished by the increasingly growing demand in the developing world, and also struggled to meet all the demanding environmental regulations in most countries in the world. In addition, the new development of mega cities, and the emergence of new technologies have urged automakers to

  • Challenges Faced By Manager At Automotive Industry

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    TERM PAPER TOPICS AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY Challenges faced by manager at Automotive industry, globally the demand for the automobiles has been increasing and the productivity should meet the requirement of people. In this article my main motto is how a manger in an automotive industry at FORD can overcome his problem. Introduction The American auto industry has driven the American economy for quite a while. This industry has shaped our progression, and affected American culture and social mores. In

  • Porter's Five Forces In The Automotive Industry

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    Porter’s Five Forces Analysis I choose to do the porter’s five forces analysis over the automotive industry. But before I start talking about the automotive industry I would like to talk about what the porter’s five forces model is and what it does. “The porter’s five forces model is a tool for examining the industry level competitive environment, especially the ability of firms in that industry to set prices and minimize costs” (McNamara, 2012). This model describes the competitive environment

  • A Brief History of The Canadian Automotive Industry

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    In the early 1960’s the Canadian automotive industry faced a growing crisis of a seemingly uncontrollable decline in the production and sales of American brand vehicles, which was a major industry in Southern Ontario. Several domestic and international factors had contributed to this economic crisis and the task of stabilizing it fell upon the shoulders of the federal government. Official inquiries were established and several economic policies were put into place to help remedy the situation, but

  • The Ford Motor Company: The Automotive Industry

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    The Automotive Industry The automotive industry is involved in the manufacturing and distributing of cars and specific car parts such as car bodies, drivetrains, engines and transmissions. Car companies in the industry manufacture these cars in their factories often using parts purchased from specialized companies (ex: company only producing transmissions) or parts produced in their own factories. These cars are then purchased by car dealerships (independent franchises selling cars to consumers)

  • A Case Study On The Australian Automotive Industry

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    Australian Automotive Industry. It identifies and describes the five force analysis developed by Michael Porter, and applies this framework to the industry in order to analyse the impact of profitability. Economic analysis is conducted to help support the framework and explores a variety of concepts in order to determine the potential profitability in the industry and whether it is growing or declining. The key success factors that are considered in the report for the Australian Automotive Industry are

  • Automotive Industry Crisis Case Study

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    Fueled by the 2008 recession, the automotive industry suffered a crisis that hurt the United States’ national economy. Lead Up to the Crisis The automotive industry crisis of 2008–2010 was a part of a global financial downturn. General Motors, Ford, and Chrysler, also referred to as the United States Big Three automakers, had limited access to offshore production, unlike their foreign equivalents. The New York Times wrote, “For the most part, the so-called auto transplants – foreign-owned car companies