Artificial Life Essays

  • The Ethics of Artificial Life

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    and experts in artificial intelligence postulated fourteen outstanding questions and problems that they believed would need to be solved as the development of artificial life progressed. The fourteenth and final problem posited by this panel was to “establish ethical principles for artificial life” in four main regards: “the sanctity of the biosphere, the sanctity of human life, the responsible treatment of newly generated life forms and the risks of exploitations of artificial life.”(Bedau 374)

  • Virtual Reality And Artificial Life

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    Virtual Reality and Artificial life Rush, in New Media and Paul, in Digital Art, both discuss the use of advance technology in the art world, from creating works using artificial intelligence to creating a virtual reality for the audience to be immersed into. After reading about projects such as If, Then created by Kenneth Feingold in 2001 or Giver of Names by David Rokeby, 1991-today viewers are left to question what the line is between technology and art. Where does one aspect end and the other

  • Voices By Dacia Maraini - Book

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    Repeated images of Angela Bari living an imprisoned life in Voices by Dacia Maraini play an important role in book. The internal and external forces surrounding Angela Bari lead her to a life of confinement and domination. If Angela Bari had broken away from her confinement she may have prevented her untimely death by exposing the ill ways of her stepfather, Glauco Elia. Angela's secretiveness, self-doubt, and compliance with others lead her to victimization. It is not until her unfortunate murder

  • Frankenstein: Mary Shelley's Ability to Create Sympathy for the Monster

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    the ‘mysterious fears of our nature’. Mary Shelley mocks the idea of “playing God”, the idea that came from the Greek myth of Prometheus, of the Greek titan who stole Zeus’ gift of life. Both the story of Frankenstein and Prometheus reveal the dark side of human nature and the dangerous effects of creating artificial life. Frankenstein reveals the shocking reality of the consequences to prejudging someone. The creature’s first-person narration reveals to us his humanity, and his want to be accepted

  • Frankenstein

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    admiration and benevolence. To love another is to admire them and to have a warm attachment to them. Many things in one’s life have the ability to cloud or cover up feelings of love. Things such as rage, hate, ugliness, and revenge. Despite these negative feelings and thoughts, love is present in every being, every animal, and anything that possesses the beautiful thing we call life, because to be alive is lovin’. There is an excellent book titled Frankenstein, written by Mary Shelley, that displays

  • Euthanasia

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    ending a person’s life in order to release the person from incurable disease, intolerable suffering, or undignified death” (Encarta, 2004). Euthanasia is a Greek word, which means “good death.” As humans, we understand death is something we cannot avoid but having some control over death is empowering and reassuring to us. If someone is suffering from a terminal illness, intolerable pain, or in a long-term coma, euthanasia is an acceptable option for someone to end his or her life. With the consent

  • Relationships and Interdependence in the Works of Kurt Vonnegut

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    improvement. As part of Vonnegut's strategy for enhanced communal welfare, the satirist details in the course of his works potential artificial family groups to connect the masses and alleviate the lonely. Through his science fiction tales of misinterpreted, downcast protagonists and outrageous observations of real life, Vonnegut shines a light on America's problems, proposing a widespread cooperation of common decency and interdependence as viable

  • Leibniz's Distinction Between Natural and Artificial Machines

    3134 Words  | 7 Pages

    Leibniz's Distinction Between Natural and Artificial Machines ABSTRACT: I maintain that Leibniz's distinction between 'organic machines of nature' and the artificial machine that we produce cannot be adequately understood simply in terms of differing orders of structural complexity. It is not simply that natural machines, having been made by God, are infinitely more complex than the products of our own artifice. Instead, Leibniz's distinction is a thoroughly metaphysical one, having its root in

  • Artificial Contraception

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    There are many forms of artificial contraception. I am going to discuss some of those forms and the Church’s opinion. Condoms, or rubbers, are shaped like a balloon and are made of a special kind of rubber. Condoms prevent sperm from reaching the cervix. They are placed over the male’s erect penis before intercourse. They are 80-90% effective. No prescription is needed to use them. They protect against STD’s. They are more protective in preventing AIDS, then preventing pregnancy. They are not fully

  • Bioethics and Artificial Insemination

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    Bioethics and Artificial Insemination With every new technology that is born, there must be many questions as to whether this technology is beneficial or harmful as well as analyze who is affects. This especially holds true in dealing with the technology of artificial insemination. With the cultural mainstreaming of artificial insemination, there have been many articles written discussing the ethics of such decisions. Most of these articles are written by feminist authors with the purpose of

  • The Case of Nancy Cruzan

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    The Case of Nancy Cruzan Importance The case of Nancy Cruzan has become one of the landmark cases for withdrawal of artificial nutrition and hydration because of important ethical issues the case brings to light. At the time of the case, the United States Supreme Court had already established the right of an individual to refuse medical treatment. This issue therefore is not novel to the Cruzan case. Furthermore, there was not any controversy over who was the appropriate decision maker

  • Today's Consumer Culture: Bought Self-worth and Artificial Happiness

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    get what she came for. Ooh, ooh, and she's buying a stairway to heaven." From "Stairway To Heaven", by Led Zeppelin Shopping malls didn't just happen. They are not the result of wise planners deciding that suburban people, having no social life and stimulation, needed a place to go (Bombeck, 1985). The mall was originally conceived of as a community center where people would converge for shopping, cultural activity, and social interaction (Gruen & Smith, 2005). It is safe to say that the

  • Inventing A Writing Technology

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    but that writing is a necessity which has become so internalized it is often taken for granted. The process of writing is a highly evolved, technological entity often revered as a "natural" part of life when in reality writing has been artificially created by man. Writing is very much an artificial creation, not a natural occurrence. To illustrate how true this is and how much writing is taken for granted and internalized as natural to humans, an experiment was done. Students from Eastern Michigan

  • Reality: Influenced by an Individual’s Perception and Interpretation

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    “Strangers”] had mastered the ultimate technology, the ability to alter physical reality by will alone.”i[1] If the “Strangers” are altering reality, the people of the city will never truly know what is real and what is artificial. Consequently, the city in which they live is all artificial and made up. We as viewers can see this, but ... ... middle of paper ... ...ed and are likely to continue to remain unanswered for many years to come. It is highly doubtful the term reality will ever be entirely

  • The Surreal World of William Gibson's Neuromancer

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    Because of this harsh life, the people are left in a harsh world where they must learn to form friendships with others who can get them the supplies that they need. Though many things evolve throughout the novel to better the lives of the characters, the novel ends with the same reference to the blank television screen. It returns to the surreal, unidentifiable existence of what life is for these people. Many of the people in this futuristic world have a type of AI, or Artificial Intelligence. The

  • Artificial Tanning

    2272 Words  | 5 Pages

    Artificial Tanning Jim Rice loved the way tanning made him look and feel, that is, until he became personally affected by the dangers that came with the frivolous glitz and glamour of a nice tan. Artificial tanning has become a sub-culture for youths across the nation. Those who do not go tanning are a minority and those who do tan ignore the health risks posted in every tanning booth and bed in the state of Massachusetts. However, for Jim Rice, a middler chemical engineering major at Northeastern

  • Cindy Sherman

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    and terrorizing. Sherman’s Untitled #225 (Blond Woman) triggers those exact emotions. The portrait is a large colored photograph created in 1990. An eighteenth century blond, Madonna-like, young lady sits poised with one hand on her exposed artificial breast as if she is nursing a baby. She is well dressed in a blue satin dress, small white beads laced through her braided hair, and a tiara atop her head. Her icy, blue eyes stare off to the left with a harsh, cold expression. With her breast

  • Essay on Utopia - Disney's Utopian Community

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    the town is "structured around the five cornerstones of life in Celebration: community, education, health, technology, and place"(Oilande 2). Celebration uses this concept to create a special utopian vision. Despite contradictions of artificiality, regulation, and price, Celebration is a good utopian vision because it has a sense of community, an outstanding educational system, and a credible health care system. The notion of a artificial or theme park feel has come up as a possible concern.

  • Observations on Shakespeare's As You Like It

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    countryside, where they have to deal with life in a very different manner from that of the aristocratic court. This play, like others in the  Pastoral tradition, freely departs from naturalism, and in As You Like It (certainly by comparison with the History plays) there is little attempt to maintain any consistently naturalistic style. This can create problems for readers unfamiliar with the conventions of pastoral, especially those who find it just too artificial and incredible to grasp imaginatively

  • Biological Determinism

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    views, depending on the period of time the authors of these theories lived. The author argues for the theory that in the nineteenth century , artificial barriers in social hierarchy prevented people from achieving higher intellectual performance. In the end of XX century, in most places these barriers were removed by the democratic processes, and nothing artificial can stand between the natural sorting process and social status of the people. These changes can not be considered as historical because the