Anyone Essays

  • An Interpretation of E.E. Cummings' Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town

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    An Interpretation of E.E. Cummings' Anyone Lived in a Pretty How Town E.E. Cummings (1894-1962) is an American Poet whose works are some of the harder ones to understand. That's what Cummings is known for, his typography, language, punctuation, and his use of capital letters to give words special meanings. It has been stated that he has his own language known as Cummingsian. Cummings has done a lot of experimentation with language along with other poets during the Modernist era. Not only

  • Time in Thomas’ Fern Hill and Cummings’ anyone lived in a pretty how town

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    passage of time in their poetry. In Thomas’ "Fern Hill" and Cummings’ "anyone lived in a pretty how town," both modern poets utilize a juxtaposition of paradoxes to express the irrevocable passage of time and the loss of innocence attributed to it. While Thomas projects his mature feelings into a nostalgic site of his childhood, Cummings takes a more detached approach by telling a seemingly trivial, paradoxical story of "noone" and "anyone," which through negation tells a universal life story. "Fern

  • E.e. Cummings, Poem, Anyone Li

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    E.E. Cummings "anyone lived in a pretty how town" I first read this poem and I thought of love, two people in love. Anyone and noone are in love and that is what matters to them, to be in love with each other and with life. It involves the day, the night, and how the weather changes. The seasons revolve and the children grow up to become adults. As I read the poem I realized there were three sections to it. Which consist of anyone and noone, "women and men" in line four, and the children. The first

  • Is Complete Self-Reliance Possible?

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    Self-Reliance - Is Complete Self-Reliance Possible? If you are self-reliant then you don’t need to depend on anyone. That is the obvious message that Emerson is trying to convey in his essay "Self-Reliance". It seems as though Emerson believes that we all need to be individuals and put ourselves before anyone else. However, the real question is “is it possible to be totally self-reliant”. After re-reading Self-Reliance I feel as though this question really can’t be answered. Emerson gives us a

  • The Trouble with Boys

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    My sister asks me how I am. I tell her I’ve been unproductive, distracted, and irritable. I've been in a place before where I really didn't care to be dating anyone at all, but when I'm in that place it's usually because my defenses have gone haywire and are slaughtering innocent passers-by. It's not a lot of fun, I gotta tell you. What I can't remember is whether it's more fun - or less not-fun - than what I'm feeling now. I mean, he seemed like a nice guy. He loves his mother.

  • Vergangenheitsbewältigung in The Reader

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    camp near Cracow. Although Hanna never killed anyone herself, she was involved in taking people to be executed. She must go to court for her actions while being in the SS. When Hanna was a guard she would pick certain girls to read to her. "Yes she had favorites, always one of the young ones who was weak and delicate," says a survivor of the Holocaust during Hanna's trial (Schlink 116). Hanna knew the younger, weaker girls would not tell anyone what they were doing for her. Hanna was illiterate

  • Double Meaning Of Young Goodman Brown

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    into the forest when he knows of all the horrible things that can happen to him, especially at night? With this knowledge as well as the Web Text information that the witch trials were very real during YGB’s time the fact that he would even trust anyone in a forest at night seems to stretch the imagination. So to answer this question it seems as though YGB went into the forest to test his own faith to god. He even states that "...having kept covenant by meeting thee here, it is my purpose now to

  • Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman as Social Commentary

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    has eaten up large numbers of people in this country.  It's evident in the way Willy acts that his want of money consumes him.  This constantly happens in our society; people will do anything to crawl up the ladder of success, often knocking down anyone in their way. Death of a Salesman also reflected how families treat people once they are older.  Willy raised Biff and Happy when they were completely dependent on him, but the boys aren't willing to help Willy out when he needs them. This is

  • Free Yellow Wallpaper Essays: The Dead Paper

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    The Dead Paper of Gilman's Yellow Wallpaper This passage from The Yellow Wallpaper clarifies the position of the reader in the story. It brings into question, right on the first page, who the woman (and Gilman herself) is addressing and why. When she writes, "I would not say it to a living soul, of course, but this is dead paper and a great relief to my mind," it is as if she is having an aside with the reader. If she were truly talking to dead paper, why would such a comment be required

  • The Power of the Individual Revealed in The Fountainhead

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    basis of an ultimately successful career; Dominique values it so much that she tries to destroy that career before it can be destroyed by others. This is strange, but it is strange in a completely Randian way, a way that could never be mistaken for anyone else's. The same might be said of a hundred other features of The Fountainhead. These features can be read both as doctrine and as symbol, but they are m... ... middle of paper ... ...ay, as a mere foil to the characters she likes. She did

  • The Role of Duty In William Shakespeare's Hamlet

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    The Role of Duty In William Shakespeare's Hamlet Killing a person is not something that anyone can take lightly.  In the story of Hamlet, the uncle of the play's focus character, Prince Hamlet of Denmark, has murdered the prince's father, stolen the crown, and weds his mother.  The ghost of king Hamlet comes to the prince and tells him that he must avenge his murder.  The play follows Hamlet's quest of revenge against his murdering incestuous uncle.  The question that's left to the reader

  • Hamlet: Essay On Act I

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    and the problems of Hamlet and his relatives.  This creates an atmosphere of love, and betrayall, whereby Ophelia is forced to obey her father Polonious, and is told to be careful with Hamlet, as he is a prince, and will not look to marry just anyone, such as herself. Shakespeare continues to develop atmosphere throughout the act, and uses the atmosphere to introduce some of the characters in the play. Shakespeare introduces some of the major characters in the play, and leaves lasting impressions

  • We All Must Take Responsibility

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    sense. In the end, the police and his insurance company saw through his lies and everything was taken care of. But in the meantime, my car was towed away and I was left with no car. What's amazing to me is that he never got out of his van to see if anyone was injured, and he never apologized for smashing two cars and causing me the inconvenience of being without a car for five weeks while the damage was repaired. Several months ago, there was a tragic fire near the Quad Cities. Unfortunately

  • Plato and Locke's Views on an Innate Idea

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    know what virtues were or if they existed.  However, he develops a peculiar view of ideas and knowledge acquisition. [Meno 70-100b].  First, I will begin by setting up the background of the Meno.  Socrates has been on a quest to find if anyone knows what virtues are and who has the virtues.  While in the process of this Socrates makes many enemies.  At the beginning of the d... ... middle of paper ... ...the experience at hand.  When we learn from this experience it is engraved

  • Minister's Black Veil Essays: Father Hooper

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    Father Hooper might have committed a very bad sin, which he does not want to unveil to anyone. Instead of not telling anyone the sin he shows it clearly on his face with the aid of a black veil. This black veil might relieve tension in his body that has accumulated due to his sin. In the story, Father Hooper says that everyone wears a black veil, meaning that everyone commits secret sins without revealing them to anyone. If you do not express your secret sin you would be keeping stress and tension locked

  • Life Sucks in Pat Conroy's Fiction

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    how to accept praise; others cannot live without it; people everywhere have difficulty living with each other. If anyone claims that he or she has found the way to live, that same person is lying. If anyone one person says that he or she has found the best way for him or herself, that person is probably lying. With all the twists, jolts, and flips in life, it is impossible for anyone to successfully navigate the river without breaking bones and spirit. Conroy's works The Water is Wide, The Great

  • The Loneliness of Hamlet

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    in humanity. His loneliness played a great role in his downfall, by alienating him from his friends and family and eventually taking control of his actions. He did not share the knowledge of his father's murder or the appearance of the ghost with anyone. He couldn't even trust his friends and family, and he hid his true feelings from his only love, Ophelia, driving her to suicide. These events lead eventually to his downfall, and could have been avoided by sharing his dilemma. Two of Hamlets friends

  • Shakespeare's Othello - The Triangle Between Othello, Iago, and Cassio

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    important in the play. They are important to each other and the people around them. The relationship between the three of them is very strange because someone is always trying to get back at the other one and they don’t care about each others feelings or anyone else’s. In the end this leads to a blood shed fight. Othello is the main character, heÕs the head of the Vinician army and he has just made Cassio his Lieutenant. Iago is very upset by this because he wanted to become Lieutenant but what he doesnÕt

  • The Old Barn

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    friend. It means the world to you, but nothing to the guy next door. It is not so often I get an opportunity to sit down and really see what is out there. I am able to sit in my special area in total peace and quiet for as long as I choose to do so. Anyone with noisy roommates knows just what I am talking about. Peace and quiet with kids in the house is extremely limited and you will usually do anything to be able to enjoy the silence. Having a place of my own is very special. It allows me to do the

  • I Am Bisexual

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    paying attention now?  Bisexuality holds an interesting position when it comes to sexual minorities.  On one hand, it's seen as the ultimate liberation: "They'll do it with hot!".  But when it comes to seeking mainstream social acceptance, we can be seen as the worst in sexual perversion: "They'll do it with shameful!".  There are many theories and opinions on bisexuals, some I agree with, others do not fit my definition of being bisexual.  The important thing is that bisexuality