Anselm Essays

  • Anselm Kiefer

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    Anselm Kiefer was born in Donaueschingen, Germany on March 8, 1945. In later years he became one of the most prominent figures in the Neo-Expressionist art movement. He studied law at the University of Freiburg until 1966. In 1966 he became an artist and was a student of Joseph Beuys who is another German artist (Safra pg.139). In the painting March Heath Kiefer uses a variety of color. However the color’s that are used are dark colors and earth tone color. The center of this painting is the road

  • St. Anselm of Canterbury

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    itself, insufficient in proving that God exists. There are a few problems with the argument that I will be discussing in detail in an attempt to illustrate exactly why ‘The Ontological Argument’ is unsatisfactory. The Definition of ‘Greater’ St. Anselm of Canterbury defined God as “that-than-which-a-greater-cannot-be-thought” (Bailey, 2002). The problem with this definition is that the term ‘greater’ is surely up for interpretation. The term ‘greater’ requires a comparison between itself and one

  • Aquinas versus Anselm

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    two methods of understanding the truth. One being that it can be surmised through reason an logic, and the other being via inner faith. On the surface at this point it could be argued that this ontological determination a bit less convoluted than Anselm, yet I tend to think it could be a bit more confusing. This is what leads him to the claim that the existence of God can be proven by reason alone or “a priori”. Stemming from this belief he formulated his Five Proofs or what he called the “Quinquae

  • Exposing the Weakness of Saint Anselm of Canterbury’s Ontological Argument

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    Exposing the Weakness of Saint Anselm of Canterbury’s Ontological Argument In a world of scientific inquiry, atheism, and the assassination of God, we are often neglectful of our Glorious God’s existence. With new theories of neuropsychology, quantum physics, gene therapy, evolution, and psychobiology, we are constantly forced to edge God out of our lives, to be replaced with cold, empty scientific thought. What, with meme theory, genetic predisposition, evolutionary spontaneous generation,

  • The Existence of God: Theories of Thomas Aquinas, St. Anselm, and William Paley

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    The Existence of God: Theories of Thomas Aquinas, St. Anselm, and William Paley The three readings that form the basis of this essay all deal with the existence of a God, something that which nothing greater can be conceived and cannot be conceived not to exist. The three readings include: Thomas Aquinas, St. Anselm, and William Paley. First let us start with Thomas Aquinas, a Dominican Monk (1225-1274) who is considered by many to be the greatest theologian in Western religion. Aquanis writes

  • The Existence Of Supreme Being: St. Anselm And Thomas Aquinas

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    Supreme Being or God can be exemplified by looking at the ideals of three past philosophers: St. Anselm and Thomas Aquinas St. Anselm, also known as Anselm of Canterbury, was born on 1033 and lived to 1109. He was a very earlier author of many philosophical works. St. Anselm provided proof that there was existence of a Supreme Being or God a lot earlier than many other philosophers even existed. St. Anselm was the creator of the argument called the ‘ontological argument’. This happened to be the shortest

  • St. Anselm And The Ontological Argument Of God's Existence

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    In the 11th century St. Anselm of Canterbury wrote the Prosologion, where he formulated the ontological argument of God’s existence. The beginning of his argument begins with propositions that do not rely on experience to believe that God’s existence is tangible. Furthermore, throughout Anselm’s argument he portrays logical and rational statements to show strong evidence of God’s existence (Oppy, par. 2). The main focus of this ontological argument is to counter the fool’s belief that there is no

  • Gods Existence

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    existence was Anselm. Anselm was the Archbishop of Canterbury and was a very influential philosopher between Augustine and Aquinas. He proposed his argument for God’s existence. His ontological argument is based on the thought of God as the highest being. Anselm’s argument is different from other philosophers simply because of it’s premise. He saw a need for a precise logical philosophy as a way for making faith mature, not as a substitute for faith. Because Anselm already believed

  • The Ontological Argument

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    "Proslogion" which is a short work that tries to demonstrate both the existence and the nature of God. His main aim in writing the Proslogion is not to directly prove the existence of God but to moreover, to show the relationship between faith and reason. Anselm wanted to understand the object of the belief. He is also not trying to defend his belief against the atheist and neither is he trying to convince the atheist that God exists. The ontological argument differs from other arguments in favour of God

  • Anselm’s Philosophy

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    think of. When Anselm states this, it essentially means that it is not possible to think of a being greater than God. Anselm also states that if God is the greatest thinkable being, he is referring to the fact that it would be impossible to imagine or to create in ones mind someone or something being better than God. Therefore, it would be impossible to say that God only exists in ones mind because it is much greater to exist in reality than it is to exist only in ones mind. Anselm then suggests that

  • Does God Exist?

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    about what God is to where he is from. St. Anselm, the creator of the ontological argument, based his theory on that we cannot think of anything greater than God. Therefor God must exist, why you might ask? If the greatest thing that we can conceive does not exist than we can still conceive the greatest thing that does exist, and that would be God. Descartes views God in a similar way to St. Anselm. Descartes sees God as the perfectbeing while St. Anselm describes God as “that than which nothing greater

  • Matthew And Anselm

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    Reflection Essay Matthew & Anselm The resuertation is the single most important aspect of the Christian faith. As Easter comes upon us, Christians are thankful for the amazing sacrifice that Jesus did to die on the cross for our sins, and for the father for letting his one and only son get crucified. However, was it necessary for Jesus to come as a human form and redeem humanity? In Cur Deus Homo, Anselm explores the possibility of another way for human way to be saved in form of other divine creatures

  • Eriugena Vs. Anselm

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    Philosophy times, it was a common thing to label God, or at least attempt to put a definition to him. There are several arguments over God’s existence or non-existence and it continues to be debated in recent times. John Scotus Eriugena and Saint Anselm were not exceptions to the philosophies of the time. Although they had two different approaches in their definitions there is no mistaking their ultimate goal of seeking a God definition. John Scotus Eriugena was one of the first metaphysical philosopher

  • St. Anselm

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    St. Anselm Not every great writer can be correct in what he or she is saying. This is the idea that Gaunilo had in mind when he wrote his criticism to St. Anselm’s Ontological Argument which states that if something greater than anything else that could be thought of is conceived in the understanding then it must exist. Gaunilo says it is foolish to believe in the existence of something just because it is understood. He says there must be some kind of other explanation. In this paper, I

  • Analysis Of Anselm For The Existence Of God

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    this paper, I will examine the ontological argument of Anselm for the existence of God. Anselm defines God as “that-than-which-nothing-greater-can-be-thought,” which means, at least for Anselm, that God must exist because he is the greatest being that can be conceived. Furthermore, he argues that all people, whether or not they believe in the existence of God, at least understand his definition, including the fool who denies that God exist. Anselm, in addition to that, describes two main differences

  • Anselm's Omnipotence

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    In the Proslogion, Anselm tries to prove the existence of God and his powers through the ontological argument. This argument redirects the argument of God’s existence from science and observation to logic, where Anselm explains that there has to be a being that nothing greater can be thought of, and that is God. One of Anselm’s main topics of contention is God’s omnipotence and whether He is actually infinite. In the Proslogion, Anselm talks about God’s omnipotence and if it can be disavowed because

  • Anselm And Descartes Argument

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    Philosophy,” Anselm and Descartes offer their own answers to one of the most important questions in life, which is whether God exists. I will point out similarities and differences in the two arguments, and I will argue why Descartes ‘proof’ is more persuasive. Anselm’s argument for the existence of God is quite simple. He first proclaims that humans can grasp in their mind “something than which nothing greater can be thought” (Anselm 7). This “something” is an all-perfect God. Then, Anselm states

  • Anselm Ontological Argument

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    connect the dots and end up with the conclusion that God exists. Ontological arguments have been around for many a years but the first and most well known argument was given by St. Anselm in 11th century and his argument is what I am going to analyse in this assignment. Criticism of St. Anselm ontological argument-: 1- St. Anselm argument concludes that a perfect being which we have named God does exist in reality. But I can apply this same argument on a country rather than a being. I can conceive of a

  • The Effect of the Normans on Canterbury Cathedral up to 1165 AD

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    The Effect of the Normans on Canterbury Cathedral up to 1165 AD Once Wayne had won the battle of Hastings he travelled east burning Romney and Dover. Canterbury had heard of what William had done to the other places he came across that put up a resistance to him so Canterbury sent William a deputation, William of courses accepted the offer because of Canterbury being the centre of England's religion, and the pope would probably not have liked the idea of backing anti-Christian behaviour

  • Exploring Saint Anselm's Ontological Argument for God

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    considered before. There are many arguments based on the existence or nonexistence of God. Saint Anselm (1033-1109) was a Benedictine monk, Christian philosopher, and scholar who is recognized for many intellectual accomplishments, including his application of reason in exploring the mysteries of faith and for his definition of theology as "faith seeking understanding (Saint Aselm College)." Saint Anselm is one of the most influential speakers on the argument on whether God does exist. During his