Amphiprion percula Essays

  • Clownfish Research Paper

    567 Words  | 2 Pages

    ocellaris clownfish (Amphiprion ocellaris) is also known as the common clownfish or false percula clownfish, and was named by Georges Cuvier in 1830. It belongs to the Amphiprion genus, which consists of 29 extant species. However, the subfamily Amphiprioninae also contains another genus, Premnas, which has a single member. They are closely related to damselfishes with which they create the Pomacentridae family. The ocellaris clownfish is oftentimes confused with A. percula, the orange clownfish

  • Acidification: The Importance Of Coral Reefs In The Ocean

    2261 Words  | 5 Pages

    Our Earth consists of many of many different components, such as land, animals, air, etc. and lately a lot of our attention has been brought to pollution and the state in which our Earth and atmosphere is in. Our ocean covers seventy one percent of the earth’s total surface area and plays a major role in our Earth’s atmosphere. (Hoegh-Guldberg, 2010) Acidification has been one of the many components that has been leading to the destruction of our surrounding oceans. (Doney, 2008) Due to the overload