Amethyst Initiative Essays

  • The Drinking Age Should NOT Be Lowered

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    minimum legal drinking age. Choose Responsibility, a group founded by John McCardell, proposes that upon completion of a 40 hour course to educate young people about alcohol, 18, 19, and 20 year old people should be licensed to drink. The Amethyst Initiative, part of Choose Responsibility, is a petition to Congress to rethink the minimum legal drinking age. Several college leaders have signed this petition in the belief that lowering the minimum legal drinking age will reduce binge drinking on college

  • The Benefits Of Underage Drinking

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    ban hard liquor on campus has rekindled a debate about 21 year old drinking age, Dartmouth is heading in the wrong direction. Instead policymakers should be following the advice of about 150 universities and college presidents who signed the Amethyst Initiative and advocate for the choose Responsibility proposal and reduce the drinking age back to 18. When coming to of age in the late 1970s and early 1980s, the drinking age was 18. During our crucial senior year high school, most students were law

  • The Legal Drinking Age: 18 or 21?

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    There has been controversy on the effectiveness of the law because most people drink before they turn 21. Which side is right? Was Reagan correct for implementing the drinking age as 21 or are the multiple college president and chancellors of Amethyst Initiative that believe it should be 18? Between the 1920’s and 1933 the use and purchase of alcohol was illegal. In 1933 when prohibition ended, the Twenty First Amendment left states free to legalize, regulate or prohibit alcohol as they saw fit (Miron

  • Analysis Of Lowering The Drinking Age

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    supports lower the legal drinking age. He later developed the Amethyst Initiative to help campuses across the U.S. to join together. In the article, Mr. McCardell gives his reasons for starting the growing movement. The purpose of this article is to inform other college delegates and leaders about the organizations they can join they share the same beliefs. It was published in a magazine that discusses rising issues to help promote the initiative. The article is unique due to its interview arrangement

  • Minimum Legal Drinking Age: Should it be Lowered?

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    in 1984, all states raised their legal drinking ages to 21 in fear of being withheld the funding. Today, 30 years later, the law is still in place, however a debate has sprung up in support of lowering the drinking age back to 18. The group Amethyst Initiative, which has gained support from prestigious universities such as Dartmouth, Duke, and Virginia Tech, started this uproar. Through this, the question emerged, should the legal drinking age be lowered back to 18, and what would result if it happens

  • The Legal Drinking Age Should Be 18

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    The laws concerning the minimum drinking age in this country sometimes seem ridiculous and unnecessary. In this paper, I will discuss why certain laws are unfair and I will provide alternatives to certain problems concerning underage drinking and binge drinking. Let?s face it, no matter what laws the government enforces to cut down on underage drinking, it is commonplace and happens everywhere from grade school through high school and predominantly in college. The government is looking to stop

  • Minimum Legal Drinking Age Should Remain at the Age of 21

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    Without a doubt, the United States has been facing serious national problems with underage drinking. Depending on personal ideologies, some people might not agree that the current minimum drinking age of twenty-one is based on scientific facts rather then ideology of prohibitionism. For example, since 1975 over seventeen thousand lives have been saved since the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) was changed to age twenty-one (Balkin 167). This shows that even over a short amount of time, a higher

  • Keeping the Minimum Legal Drinking Age

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    The government is conducting an idea to whether lower the minimum legal drinking age in the United States or not. Many Americans forbid the idea of legalizing the drinking age so that it would be profitable to the businesses. Likewise, there have been many advantages and disadvantages of why should the government allow young adults drink under the age of 21. To prevent this issue, many Americans have provided reasoning that will support the idea of keeping the minimum legal drinking age where it

  • Legal Drinking Age Essay

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    Legal drinking age is a controversial topic all over the world. In many countries the legal age to drink alcohol is 18 or lower. The United States is one of the only countries that says a person must be 21 before they are allowed to drink. Why is the U.S. Drinking age so much higher than other countries? Some people believe that the age should be lowered to 18, arguing that at the age of 18, a United States citizen is a legal adult and allowed to make their own decisions. If a mature teenager wants

  • Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age At 21

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    It is apparent that the legal drinking age has been a long disputed topic. Many people support lowering the drinking age to 18, while others are against lowering it. Although there are pros and cons of keeping the age at 21, it is clear that both parties are concerned for teen safety and to make sure they understand the consequences and dangers associated with the consumption of alcohol. While researching this topic online to get a better understanding of the consequences and benefits of changing

  • A Brief History of Parody Advertisements

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    In society parody advertisement is commonly used to draw attention to common issues in society that are normally overlooked. The first type of parody advertisements were caricatures. In history caricatures were used to prove a point in politics. Today most parody advertisements express views on alcohol, drugs, and other common issues that people struggle with to “fit-in” with society. A few examples of parody advertisements are Absolute on Ice, Barcode Escape, and Feed Me Spoof. These parody advertisements

  • National Minimum Legal Drinking Age (MLDA) Should Be Lowered

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    The national minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) of The United States is twenty-one and it is ineffective; therefore it should be lowered to eighteen. The minimum legal drinking age does not prevent underage consumption of alcohol. Lowering the age of consumption can possibly reduce the number of injuries do to underage drinking. The legal age of adulthood in the United States is eighteen, so all adults should be able to make their own decision to drink or not. “Although many believe that anyone under

  • The Problems Associated with Underage Drinking

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    Curiosity to appear more grown up may be the reason why most adolescents take their first drink of an alcoholic beverage. The ability to seen more grown up can intensify drinking at a younger age. Consequently, as alcohol is seen as the “Forbidden Fruit,” it encourages the want to drink for people under the age of twenty-one. The use of alcohol by adolescents is widely viewed as disobedience in American society. Although, alcohol use is technically illegal until the age of twenty-one (in 19 states

  • Underage Drinking Among Teenagers Essay

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    Adolescence is a transition time when the body is undergoing many significant changes, such as hormonal alterations and brain development. Exposing the brain to alcohol during this period may interrupt processes of brain development, possibly leading to mild cognitive impairment as well as to a further escalation of drinking. According to information issued from the United States government publication entitled Prevention Alert, teen alcohol abuse showed many negative side effects. One is long-term

  • Pros And Cons Of Lowering The Drinking Age

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    Another argument often used by those opposing lowering the legal drinking age brings up the fact that the brain doesn’t completely develop until the age of 20 to 25. If this is the case than why do we let 18 year olds vote and sign contracts. If they are viewed as adults in the eyes of the law then why is it we don’t treat them like they are adults. Another major issue brought up for young adults is that it is legal for 18 year olds to purchase and use cigarettes and other tobacco products, but

  • Persuasive Essay On Alcohol And Alcohol

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    This demonstration is a big lesson about manages and controls illegal products or the ways products are used; in addition, drinking age is similar to marijuana. The reason is when the eighteen have been given a permission to buy alcohol; they will be responsible for that and it’s easier for government to control alcohol consumption. It also helps reduce the number of crimes committed about under age purchasing alcohol. If society and government still worry about the rising of uncontrollable drunk

  • The Drinking Age Should Be Lowered

    2242 Words  | 5 Pages

    There are numerous problems involving alcohol in the world today, including alcoholism, drunk driving, and alcohol poisoning leading to death. Many of these problems involve minors and are linked to drinking underage. The legal drinking age in many states is twenty-one years old. The purpose of this law is to keep minors out of danger: away from drunk driving, alcohol poisoning, and injuring the brain before it is fully developed. The government supports the belief that people are not ready

  • The Drinking Age Must not Be Lowered

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    Lawmakers should not consider lowering the drinking age from twenty-one to eighteen. Despite the deep value this country places on freedom, personal liberties, and personal responsibilities, the data shows that public safety is greatly at risk if the drinking age were to be lowered to twenty-one. A variety of groups believe that the drinking age should be lowered to eighteen deeming that the twenty-one law is unconstitutional. On the opposing side, people agree that the law helps to protect our

  • Persuasive Essay On Appropriate Behavior

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    According to Fablo, a 10-year-old called in a fake bomb threat to his school. A 15-year- old snips a stereo from a store to resell. A 13-year-old sexually assaults an 8-year-old neighbor over a two year period. A 17-year-old takes a gun to school and executes numerous pupils and teachers. These four scenarios should be pondered by today’s society. Are children delinquent because of their parents or their peers? Whether they are influenced by peers or their parents do not enforce appropriate behavior

  • Club Owners Must Not Allow Underage Drinking

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    Prohibiting nightclubs from admitting people under age twenty-one will take some weight off of parents, club owners, drivers and innocent bystanders. With the economy sinking, many owners are making what they believe a wise financial decision by allowing eighteen to twenty year olds in their clubs. They are mixing eighteen to twenty in with the twenty-one and up crowd, as failing clubs owners only see more people more money. Every night thousands of young adults eighteen to twenty years old are let