Activation Energy Essays

  • Investigating the Rate of Reaction Between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid

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    occur. In my opinion this will happen because of the particle theory. As we already know, everything is made up of millions of tiny particles. Particles are units of matter smaller than an atom. Particles are the basic units of all matter and energy. Therefore I can conclude that there are definitely particles in the reactants that I will be using in my experiment. Before the two chemical reactants can react their particles must come

  • Reaction Between Sodium Thiosulphate And Hydrochloric Acid Lab Report

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    of varying temperature on the rate of reaction. The Arrhenius equation ln k = ln A – (Ea / RT) can be shown graphically by plotting a graph of ln (t) against ln (1/T). The gradient of this graph = - (Ea / RT) which can be used to calculate activation energy. The y-intercept of the line = ln A where A is the Arrhenius constant for the

  • The effect of temperature on the reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate (Na2S2O3) and Hydrochloric Acid (HCl)

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    applied to a solution the particles in the compounds move faster and therefore come into contact with the other substance more rapidly. More importantly, the collisions are more energetic. An increase in collisions provides more energy than there is in the activation energy, so the reaction is faster. Preliminary Investigation In order to discover what ratio of HCl to Na2S2O3 I needed to conduct a preliminary experiment, changing the concentration of the various reactants. I will need a time of

  • My aim for this experiment is to find out how concentration affects the rate of reaction, when marble chips reacts with hydrochloric acid.

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    solution have enough energy to break free from their existing bonds to form new bonds they will, the amount of energy needed to form new bonds is called the activation energy. So if you increase the amount of particles in a solution they will be more collisions. The collision theory also says that if the particles are constantly moving and colliding with each other, when one particle collides with another, energy is transferred between these particles and so energy is constantly gained

  • Reaction Between Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate

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    lowers the activation energy of a reaction without being chemically altered. Energy. By giving the particles extra energy, as heat, they will move faster. This means that they cover more ground and are therefore more likely to collide with each other which in turn makes the reaction faster. (We have to take into consideration the face that not all collisions are successful as they may not react with the amount of energy required (activation energy)). The best way to give energy to a reaction

  • The higher the temperature of the sodium thiosulphate the faster the

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    that Chemical reactions occur when particles of the reactants collide. They must collide with a certain minimum energy, called the activation energy. To summarise, the requirements for an effective collision (for a chemical reaction to occur): The reactants must collide with each other, The molecules must have sufficient energy to initiate the reaction (called activation energy). Planning This experiment is to discover what affects rate of reaction. In this experiment there are two

  • The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction of Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid

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    reactants must collide with each other, with enough energy in order to be effective and make the chemical reaction occur. In order for the particles to react with each other, they need a minimum amount of energy. This is known as the activation energy. If the colliding particles have less than the activation energy, the particles just bounce off each other and no reaction occurs. When you increase the temperature, the particles gain energy and move around more. This means that they are

  • Factors Affecting the Decomposition of Marble Buildings by Acid Rain

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    collision has enough energy, to be successful. If there is not enough energy, then the collision will be unsuccessful, but if there is, it will be successful, and a reaction will occur. Unsuccessful collisions take place when the activation energy is not reached. The activation energy is the amount of energy needed for a successful collision. There are factors which affect the rate of a reaction, and also if the collisions are successful or not. Temperature rise gives particles more energy, and as thy move

  • The Rate of Reaction in the Reaction Between Hydrochloric Acid and Sodium Thiosulphate

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    will collide, and if they have sufficient energy, react forming or breaking bonds. All four methods of increasing the rate of reaction can be explained in terms of increasing the number of collisions. Temperature increases the number of collisions. When the temperature is increased, the particles all move quicker. If they're moving quicker, they're going to have more collisions. Reactions only happen if the particles collide with enough energy. At a higher temperature there will be more

  • Chemical Kinetics: Enzymes

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    Chemical Kinetics is the branch of chemistry that studies the speed at which a chemical reaction occur and the factor that influence this speed. What is meant by the speed of a reaction is the rate at which the concentrations of reactants and products change within a time period. Some reactions occur almost instantaneously, while others take days or years. Chemical kinetics understanding I used in the process of designing drugs, controlling pollution and the processing of food. Most of the time chemical

  • Rate of Reaction Experiment - Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid

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    chloride Na2S2O3 + 2HCl(aq) S(s) + SO(g) + NaCL(aq) + H2O The Collision Theory can explain reaction rates perfectly. A chemical reaction can only occur between particle when they hit or collide at a minimal amount of energy need for them to react this is called the activation energy. The rates of a reaction depends on how hard and often the reacting particles collide. Basically, particles have to collide in order to react 1) They must also collide hard enough to give a reaction. 2) Pressure can

  • Investigation: How does the concentration of acid affect the rate of reaction?

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    prediction for my investigation is that the higher the concentration, the faster the reaction will be. My reason behind my prediction is: · The higher the concentration, the more particles there are which will collide with enough energy to overcome activation energy, which is explained as the collision theory. Collision theory explains how chemical reactions occur and why rates of reaction differ. For a reaction to occur, particles must collide. If the collision causes a chemical change it is

  • How does Concentration affect the rate of reaction between Magnesium and Hydrochloric acid?

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    occur when reacting particles collide with each other, with sufficient energy to react, this is called the collision theory. The minimum amount of energy required to cause this reaction is called the Activation energy. There are four main factors which affect the rate of reaction. The first factor is: Temperature of reactants: When the temperature increases the particles move around faster (because they have more energy). Because the particles are moving faster , they are more likely to

  • Amylase Lab Report

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    called a catalyst, that speeds up chemical reactions by lowering the amount of energy needed to start a chemical reaction, known as the activation energy. Every enzyme has a specific reactant or reactants that it helps. These reactants, known as the substrates, lock onto the enzyme’s active site, which is where the chemical reaction occurs more efficiently than it would have without the enzyme. By lowering the activation energy, the chemical reactions are able to take place more efficiently. Amylase is

  • How the change of Hydrochloric Acid concentration affects the rate of reaction with Marble Chips

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    going to have more collisions. Higher temperature also increases the energy of the collisions, because it makes all the particles move faster. Increasing the temperature only causes faster collisions. Reactions only happen if the particles collide with enough energy. At a higher temperature there will be more particles colliding with enough energy to make the reaction happen. This initial energy is known as the activation energy, and it is needed to break the initial bonds. If one of the reactants

  • The Effect of Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid on the Rate of Reaction with Magnesium

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    enough 'activation energy'. The two reactant particles, in this case magnesium particles and hydrochloric acid particles, must collide with each other on the correct 'collision course'. If this does not occur then no chemical reaction will take place. The reaction must also have enough energy, this can be affected by temperature, the more heat the particles have the faster they move and so the more energy therefore more chance of successful collisions. If there is not enough energy no reaction

  • Enzyme Lab Report

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    Enzymes are catalysts that lower the activation energy required to perform a reaction, thus making the rate quicker and energy efficient. Enzymes consist of an active site, which serve as the location of the chemical reaction, and is the area that the substrate will bind to. The substrate will be binded to the active site via hydrophobic interactions, hydrogen bonds, and ionic bonds. Once the substrate is attached, the enzyme will perform the chemical reaction that can either breakdown or form the

  • Investigating Rates of Reactions

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    not these all affect the rate of reaction. *The effect of temperature on the rate of reaction is that, if the temperature is increased then the particles will move faster. This leads to more collisions. In addition, particles have more kinetic energy, so more collisions will lead to a reaction. *The effect of the surface area on the rate of reaction is, when one of the reactants is a solid, the reaction must take place on the surface of the solid. By breaking the solid into smaller pieces

  • The Rate of a Chemical Reaction When Changing the Concentration of Hydrochloric Acid

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    will increase. The 'Colliosion Theory' supports my prediction as for a chemical reaction to happen, the reacting particles must bang into, or collide, with each other with enough force or energy ( the activation energy) to break bonds. This is collision theory. If the particles do not have have this energy, they will just harmlessly bounce off one another. If two particles meet, they may rebound with no reaction, but if they collide with enough force, a chemical reaction will occur. (The Dorling

  • Investigating the Rates of Reaction Between Hydrogen Peroxide and Manganese Dioxide

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    reaction between two gaseous substances A&B a molecule of A must collide with B for the reaction to work, but in a concentrated solution there will be a higher percentage of reactants which will have no more energy. Not all collisions cause a reaction, only the ones which reach the activation energy of the reaction. So collision rate is directly proportional to the reaction rate. This is why I predict that the rate of reaction will increase as the concentration of the manganese dioxide powder