To Kill a Mockingbird vs. A Time to Kill

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Ever since human existence started there have been laws. From Adam and Eve to Moses and the Ten Commandments, there has always been a higher authority that people needed to deal with. In the movies To Kill A Mockingbird and A Time To Kill, people had to deal with a higher authority because of their actions. In To Kill A Mockingbird, Tom Robinson had to deal with a rape charge, and in A Time To Kill, Carl Lee had a murder charge against him. Many different factors affected the outcome of both cases, and ultimately both outcomes were wrong. One was found guilty, and one was not, but both had to deal with the prejudice of being black and the stereotypes of the era. In both A Time To Kill and To Kill A Mockingbird both of the men accused were of the African American descent and found Caucasian man to defend them. In A Time To Kill, Carl Lee was accused of murdering two white men who raped and assaulted his daughter. His daughter was abducted and raped partially because of her race, but Mr. Lee’s lawyer, Mr. Jake Brigance, never played up the Lee’s race. In fact Brigance never even mentioned race, and if he did he never made it a major point. In the summation Brigance blamed himself for his inexperience, and the fact that one of his witnesses was not credible. Carl Lee’s lawyer ask for equality, and plays on the juries emotions and feelings, which Atticus Finch also does in To Kill A Mockingbird. Tom Robinson was accused of raping a white girl who came from a poorer family of the community, and his lawyer was a prominent man from the same community, Atticus Finch. In Tom Robinson’s trial, it is very apparent that he is an African American man. Mr. Finch does not need to mention that he is an African American man, yet he still do... ... middle of paper ... ... the defendants had to deal with a higher human authority, the judge and jury of their area. In To Kill A Mockingbird Tom Robinson had to deal with an alleged rape, and no matter what the evidence said, or how hard his lawyer worked, he was convicted and later died. Tom was falsely accused, and his death was untimely and could have been avoided. But he accepted his fate calmly, as if he knew no matter what he would be convicted. The defendant in A Time To Kill, Carl Lee was accused of murder of the two men who raped his daughter. Carl was found not guilty, even though he did kill those men, and later on in life will have to deal with his actions. Both men had to deal with what the court brought against them, and they both did. Carl and Tom dealt with multiple issues, but the prejudices of their race, and the time they were tried ultimately determined their fates.

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