Titan: The Largest Moon of Saturn

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Our knowledge gained of Titan has drastically improved since the early 1980s when Voyager flew past it. Titan is Saturn’s largest moon and the second largest moon of our solar system. It has a diameter estimated roughly 40% of Earth’s moon (Titan’s Radius: 2576, Moon’s Radius: 1737) and is 80% more massive (Titan’s Mass: 1.35 x 10^23 kg, Moon’s Mass: 7.35 x 10^22 kg. Titan has a atmospheric surface pressure 50% more than of Earth’s. In addition to that, Titan is the only moon to have a dense atmosphere. Titan’s atmosphere has been calculated to be 4.5 times more dense than of Earth’s atmosphere, which can been clearly noted by the layers of haze seen. The atmosphere in Titan is approximately 1.5km and is mainly composed of nitrogen. Titan has a very similar vertical atmospheric structure to earth, Titan has a troposphere temperature of ~94-~70K, a tropopause temperature of 70.4K and a stratosphere temperature of ~70-175K.

In regards of greenhouse gasses in Titan’s atmosphere, Methane makes a very capable and effective greenhouse gas . Methane, which is transparent in UV and visible spectral regions, displays absorption bands which complements Titan’s infrared emission spectrum. The cycle of methane on Titan is still a mystery and needs further research gain more understanding, however it seems to be very similar to of water on Earth. Also another efficient greenhouse gas is Molecular hydrogen, which also absorbs the infrared and enact a similar role to Methane. Many answered questions was aided by the Cassini Huygens mission which was developed by NASA and ESA. In Titan’s atmospheric pressure-temperature conditions, it is possible to condense methane but not possible to condense molecular hydrogen. Thus, on Titan, methane and ...

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... Titan, researchers have already detected an active organic chemistry in the gas phase with a large amount of organic compounds in the high stratosphere; while the chemistry in the high stratosphere is in the gas phase, chemistry in the lower atmosphere are mainly in the condensed phase.

Titan’s temperature has been measured to be extremely cold, in spite of that, liquid water is still present on Titan’s surface. When a coment strikes a moon, episodic events as long as 1000 years of liquid water; thus short terrestrial prebiotic synthesys will be able to occur because of the conditions given. Another potential candidate for prebiotic chemistry in water is Cryovolcanism.

An effective way of converting simple organics into complex molecules and reprocess chondritic organic matter into prebiotic compounds may be possible due to Titan’s water-ammonia oceans.

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