Absenteeism And Tardiness In The Workplace

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Fingernail length and jewelry cannot interfere with an employee’s job duties. Hands and nails are to be clean, hair neat and not hanging loose around medical equipment.

The Supervisor/Practice Manager makes the final decision on the appropriateness of all dress and personal appearance. Any employee who arrives at work in inappropriate attire or appearance will be sent home to change or otherwise correct his/her appearance. The lost time may be docked from the employee 's pay or "make-up" time required, at the discretion of the Supervisor/Practice Manager.

We will not limit activities during non-working hours unless those activities interfere with or are in conflict with the performance of your job. However, employee …show more content…

Under no circumstances may any employee punch another employee 's time card or ask another employee to punch his/her time card. Violation of this policy will result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination.

Each of our employees plays an important role in getting the day 's work done. Therefore, each employee is expected to be at his/her workstation on time each day. Absenteeism or tardiness, even for good reasons, is disruptive of our operations and interferes with our ability to satisfy our customers’ needs. Therefore, any absenteeism or tardiness can result in discipline or immediate discharge.

If you are going to be late or absent from work for any reason, you must personally notify your Supervisor/Practice Manager as far in advance as possible so that proper arrangements can be made to handle your work during your absence. Of course, some situations may arise in which prior notice cannot be given. In those circumstances, you are expected to notify your Supervisor/Practice Manager as soon as possible. Failure to notify your immediate Supervisor/Practice Manager can result in immediate

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