Tiny Tyrant of Terror

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Tiny Tyrant of Terror “In war there is but one favorable moment; the great art is to seize it” (Napoleon Bonaparte). A man small in stature but one who commands great respect on the battlefields of Europe, he led his men to victory dozens of times not knowing defeat. He killed thousands of people and left others starving, dying, and bloodied along the way. He took thousands more captive and rendered their armies useless. He was a man of strength, courage, and brutality. Napoleon led his empire with an iron fist. What was once a gleam of hope after the revolution quickly became a shadow over all of France. Promises of peace gave way to realities of war and bloodshed. Napoleon was man that came from humble beginnings, who became emperor of France, and one who came to be known as one of the greatest tyrants in the history of the world. Napoleon Bonaparte was born 15 August 1769 on Corsica to a “gentry” family (BBC History). Napoleons parents Carlo and Letizia Ramolino Bonaparte thought it was in his best interest to attend military school for much of his early life. He was sent to France to begin his schooling. Although he was nine when he first started school he never considered himself French until much later in his life. Here he began to learn the basics of warfare that would later prove invaluable to his successes on the battlefield (Godechot). During his schooling he attended three different academies Autun, the Military College of Brienne, and the Military Academy in Paris. “In September of 1785 he graduated from the military academy, ranking 42nd in a class of 58” (Godechot). He was soon made a 2nd Lieutenant in Oldham 2 the artillery corps stationed in Valence. He continued his studies of warfare and became one of the ... ... middle of paper ... ..., who was able to become Emperor of France, and one who became known as a tyrant. He did a lot for France however, and was thought very highly of by his people for the majority of his rule. He led France to a time prosperity and progress and gave them a strong leader. However, he also had a taste for war that could not be satisfied. This led him to be guilty of war crimes and tyranny. Europe as a whole benefited from the life, reign, and death of Napoleon Bonaparte, the Tiny Tyrant of Terror. Works Cited http://europeanhistory.about.com/od/bonapartenapoleon/a/bionapoleon.htm Robert Wilde http://www.notablebiographies.com/Mo-Ni/Napoleon-Bonaparte.html J.M. Thompson http://www.biography.com/articles/Napoleon-I-9420291?part=17 Jaques Godechot http://www.bbc.co.uk/history/historic_figures/bonaparte_napoleon.shtml http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Napoleon

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