The Times are a Changing in Texas

665 Words2 Pages

Texas has a total land area of 261,914 square miles- making it the second largest state in the United States. Combined with a diverse geography, Texas has one of the most varied climates of any state. As the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere increases year by year, causing an increase in the Earth’s average overall temperature, changes in our climate are inevitable. We will investigate how those changes will affect the life of the everyday Texan - from our water resources, to our cities and why they are important issues that need to be addressed by our society.
With the changes coming from global warming and increased greenhouse gasses, there will be many impacts to Texas over the coming decades. One of these impacts is the effect on our water resources. Texas’ main source of fresh water is precipitation, coming almost completely from rainfall. With temperatures rising and with an expectation that precipitation levels will most likely drop in coming years, this combination will put great stress on our water reservoirs. If we continue our current usage rates of water and if recent climate changes continue to persist then we will see a huge decrease in our water reservoirs. Also, given that we are in a drought, it appears that conditions are getting worse every year, posing a serious problem for the future if this issue is not addressed now.
Cities in Texas are especially vulnerable to the effects of climate change. Depending on where they are located, cities vary in their vulnerability and most major cities face a decline in water resources. Coastal cities, such as from Houston to the Rio Grande, are exposed to a rise in sea level. The decline of fresh water reservoirs and the rising sea level ...

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...Texans is the threat of rising sea levels. While this is not as much of a concern currently because of the slow rate at which the sea is rising, the shear displacement of people would be a monumental task to tackle alone. The long-term affects of both of these changes in our climate could wreak havoc on our economy and put our state under much stress.
So, no matter where you live in Texas, the affects of climate change can be felt in one if not more ways. With changes already occurring to our cities, urban areas, and water resources, it is obvious that climate change has already started to affect Texas. Yet it is hard to predict with certainty what impact these changes will have on the life of the everyday Texan. One thing is for certain, and that is that in the coming years a solution to the decrease of greenhouse gases will need to be found and acted upon quickly.

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