Gender Roles In The Tide Commercial By Kelly Ripa

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The first commercial I chose was the Tide commercial with Kelly Ripa. The commercial depicts a small dinner party occurring at Ms. Ripa’s house. A guest clumsily spills wine on her white table linen and Ms. Ripa jumps into action to clean it. Theatrically, she pulls the white table linen cover from under all the glasses on her table and none mysteriously break. She then proceeds to tell her guests to follow her enthusiastically with the linen in tow. An hour passes, and the viewer sees Ms. Ripa giving a detailed breakdown of the laundry detergent and how well it can clean garments. Shortly after, she exclaims that the group and herself should then clean the napkins and everyone looks at her funny. The second commercial I chose was the Old …show more content…

When the man made the stain, he doesn 't even jump to try and clean it, he simply half -witted apologized and then Ms. Ripa jumps to action. Once everyone is in the laundry room, we see the men go towards the back and the women towards the front. The women seem more interested than the men. In the old spice commercial, gender roles show that the man as a masculine and cocky individual. Since he is a “man”, he is strong and tough, but my “man” isn 't because he uses feminine soap. If my man was to use Old Spice, suddenly he would become more caring towards me and be the man of my dreams. In the Tide commercial, people in society would be subconsciously taught “what men do” and “what women do” as a result because it shows that men can make messes and women would readily clean it up. It shows that women would become overly excited for house work while men can relax which imposed ignorant gender roles. In the Old Spice commercial, people in society would be subconsciously taught “what men do” and “what women do” as a result because to be a “man, man” you need to use Old Spice and if you do not, then you 're a weak individual. It teaches women in society, that your man isn 't all that you want him to be because his usage of feminine soap makes him as “weak” as you, because you 're a …show more content…

The two concepts that I am going to talk about are the master trait and women as a minority group. According to our textbook, the master trait is defined as cutting across all other identities in life. We are always female or male at the end of the day. In the Tide commercial, as viewers we see how separate men are to women. A once enjoyable party turns into a charade that depicts women as happy go lucky to do house work. Although the master trait is something that is a normality to our society, when we solely view someone as male or female, we impose gender stereotypes that shouldn 't continue to exist. We see the negative connotations of gender enforced stereotypes when it comes to the Old Spice commercial. The glamorized depiction of the man makes it seem like the fairy tale we dreamed of is achievable just by using Old Spice. The second concept of women being a minority group comes into play in both commercials because women are on the back burner for both. Yes, the Tide commercial depicted the happenings of Kelly Ripa’s dinner party but as a whole women were still the minority because of the oppressed overtones within. In the Old Spice commercial, women play an invisible role because we aren’t seen at all in the commercial but it is more geared to us. Since we are “less stronger” than men, we need to get someone who all around suits us according to the

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