The Threespines Sticklebacks

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In order for a species to evolve, there must be some factors put in place. Many question whether natural selection is a way of finding that a population is at the brink of early speciation. We know that evolution, ecology, natural selection, and environment are all related to one another. But, what is it that makes a species what it is? What allows them to inherit certain traits? This paper will focus on the study by Beren Robinson who chose to study the threespine fish of the coastal British Columbia lakes.

The Threespines Sticklebacks

Brenan Robinson chose to study the fish known as the threespine sticklebacks from the Gasterosteus family. He found that they had undergone a rapid period of speciation and that the ones that inhabited the lakes of coastal British Columbia, more specifically those that inhabited Cranby Lake, were among the youngest species on Earth. He believed that no more than two species of a particular fish could occur in any one lake. Judging by what he must have already observed, he came to the conclusion that he needed to compare the different species that had evolved independently of other pairs.

Question and Hypothesis

Robinson had questions about whether or not constraints imposed by distinct environments were responsible for the evolution of the pairs of species that he was finding in the different lakes. He hypothesized that the fish represented certain phenotypes that were products of natural selection, which promoted divergence within the populations. He wondered whether or not divergence could potentially occur when the species face trade offs, which involved different tasks for different species depending on what environment they were in (Smith and Smith, 2009). One of his observations was t...

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...tronger than the other or healthier than the other. If there is a larger number of one species as opposed to the other, then I would wonder about this as well and hypothesize that it could also have something to do with their eating habits.


Brenan Robinson’s study is a good way to look at how morphological differences have occurred with the threespine spicklebacks. These are the kind of studies that open up doors for further research. The questions don’t end where Brenan Robinson’s study ended. There is much more that scientist can take from one study alone. This study is a good study for people in several fields of science and it will probably be studied again with different hypothesis and questions in the years to come.


Smith, T. M., & Smith, R. L. (2009). Elements of Ecology (7th ed.) San Fransisco, CA Benjamin

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