Being A Good Leader Essay

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Being a good leader means being able to guide people or organizations such as businesses. Being a leader means you have leadership in you, it means you have a set of skills that not everyone can possess and you can apply them to the situation that you are in. Not everyone can be a leader because not everyone can step up and take over a situation or maybe they don’t care enough to do something about it. A leader has to possess the following and more qualities, honesty, communication skills, confidence, commitment, intuition, a positive attitude, and creativity. The three main styles of leadership are authoritarian, democratic, and Laissez Faire. An authoritarian leader is someone who provides clear expectations for what needs to be done, when …show more content…

He is the ruler of North Korea and he rules it with an iron fist. He takes very little input from his people when making decisions. One of the best examples of a democratic leader is George Washington, he is one of the founding fathers of the United States and a true visionary. He help lead fights against an authoritarian leadership. With the help of the other founding fathers they were able to accomplish their goal of a democratic leadership that was for the people by the people which means that without the input of the people the country wouldn’t work. A famous Laissez Faire leader is Herbert Hoover, when Hoover became president he had the mentality of a hands off approach. He relied heavily on his team and did not help make decisions during his time the U.S. fell into the Great Depression and blamed him for not helping get over it or help the economy improve, for this reason he was not a very like …show more content…

From when they made the first apple computer in his garage to now that their products are so desirable that people wait outside stores for days even weeks before they are released, all Apple products have done nothing but improving. In his time of leading his company Steve was a leader that anyone would love to have because he had the skills that only come one in a million, he knew what he had to do in order for the company and his team to be

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