Three Arguments For The Continuance of Capital Punishment

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As an MHS twelfth grader and a student in Sociology, I humbly impart my standpoint to the Justice System regarding the case on whether or not to abolish capital punishment. There is indeed a present case as of today that one US state had declared their petition on permanently removing death penalty in the entire United States. I believe that this is a very callous appeal – one main reason we have capital punishment is to develop a sense of morality as well as protection within the whole society, not to put such great emphasis on the criminals who deteriorate the rest of civilization. Recognized to function as a restraint on committing numerous types of crimes ranging from murder to treason to theft, the capital punishment in the US should remain authorized despite its current variability to all affiliated states and thus continue to be applied.

Many pro-death penalty analysts have come up to the point where their research and statistics have provided them the proof needed in order to justify what is right and what is wrong. Liberal Politics article contributor Deborah White stated, “As of October 2009, capital punishment in the US is officially sanctioned by thirty-four states, as well as by the federal government. Each state with legalized capital punishment has different laws regarding its methods, age limits and crimes which qualify.” Although the executions hardly ever take place within these participating states, only a small fraction of murderers are predominantly being sentenced to death. This means that the states that regulated death penalties within their societies get to have fewer murders and crimes. However, it is said that “No state has an absolute right to put its worst criminals to death although a majo...

... middle of paper ... Capital Punishment U.K., 2009. Web. 7 March 2011.

White, Deborah. “Pros & Cons of the Death Penalty and Capital Punishment.” US Liberal Politics, n.d., Web. 7 Mar 2011.

Carmical, Casey. “The Death Penalty: Morally Defensible?.” Casey’s Critical Thinking. Casey Carmical, March 8, 2011. Web. 7 Mar 2011.

Lowe, Wesley. “Pro Capital Punishment Page.” Wesley Lowe, 17 Jan 2011. Web. 7 Mar 2011.

Anderson, David. “Summary of the Arguments for the Death Penalty.” David Anderson, 2008. Web. 7 Mar 2011.

Lee, Robert. "Deserving to Die." Taking Sides. Comp. Kurt Finsterbusch. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill/Dushkin, 2004. Print.

Fagan, Jeffrey. “Deterrence and the Death Penalty: A Critical Review of New Evidence.” Testimony to Jeffrey Fagan, Ph.D. Columbia Law School. 21 Jan 2005. Web. 14 Mar 2011.

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