The Pros And Cons Of Nuclear Weapons

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Eric Schollser argues in his paper “Today’s Nuclear Dilemma,” that the nuclear weapons in the world, and the issues that they are associated with, should be of major concern to today’s society. Nuclear Weapons were of world wide concern during the time of the Cold War. These weapons, and their ability to cause colossal devastation, brought nightmares into reality as the threat of nuclear war was a serious and imminent issue. The US and Russia both built up their inventories of these pieces of artillery, along with the rest of their arsenals, in an attempt to overpower the other. This past terror has become a renewed concern because many of the countries with these nuclear weapons in their control have started to update their collections. One When there was a real threat that the world would be destroyed in its entirety due to the rivalry between the United States and Russia, the world joined together in a holding of its breath, as it were. A collective feeling of terror and foreboding took over. If the nuclear weapons were detonated, they would certainly not only affect the two main players involved in the crisis, but also create a ripple effect which would leave no one unscathed. The current situation with weapons of mass destruction, shows that those times have apparently been The governments are the main focus in this report but their actions don’t only affect themselves but also the other 7 billion people in the world. Their actions have huge implications. I should say that he does rightly mention the threat of human error when working with machines this destructive, which is a very powerful backer of his argument but he should have gone more into the practical issues and the danger associated with these pieces of machinery. If this is continued, the weapons will cause unnecessary and devastating harm. The modernization of nuclear weapons in undeniably, asking for

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