Personality And Characteristics Of Thomas Jefferson

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Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson was and still is an individual who has made an impact in our country. His character was so intrigued and different that people are still attempting to discover many new points about Thomas Jefferson. In this paper, I will be mentioning few points regarding Thomas Jefferson which I found to be interesting.
Thomas Jefferson was a man who stood for the freedom of religion. In the interview of Gore Vidal we can see that Thomas Jefferson made it clear that church and state laws should be kept separate. Religion was meant to be a private choice and, should not influence state laws and state laws should not govern church constitution. As Per Gore Vidal Thomas Jefferson, is not the perfect individual like history portrays? …show more content…

A man who no one could truly describe his character. A man who spoke regarding freedom, yet had many slaves. As per Ellis, Thomas Jefferson was a man with many personalities and characteristics. The points which I found interesting from Joe Ellis Interview are how Thomas Jefferson had a mysterious hue type of personality. He was very quiet and kept a lot to himself. A perfect example would Monticello, how its build in a private area on top of mountains in a quiet area, looking at the rest of the world. When an individual is quiet it?s really hard to understand their thoughts, personality and characteristics. He was a man as explained by Ellis ,who said one thing, but did the opposite, such as keeping slaves. Even though Jefferson said to be all for freedom, he kept slaves and gave the reasoning if freed would not be able to survive in the white society. Almost portraying like a protector, to keep the African Americans from harm and off the hands of Whites. Ellis believes one of the main reason why Thomas Jefferson became an icon for us is the fact that he created the Declaration of Independence. Joe Ellis also mentions how Thomas Jefferson needed slaves to do many things he needed to get done, such as building the Monticello, looking after his household, even using the slave women for sexual pleasures. He was a man who took full advantage of the slaves he had. Monticello was always a place which was unfinished; it had continuous work done to it, just like so Joe Ellis describes Thomas Jefferson character to be. Thomas Jefferson was a man of different personalities and one could not finish exploring of his personality and

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