Thomas Jefferson versus Alexander Hamilton

765 Words2 Pages

In the course of history of the United States, people disagreed on many issues, such as the role of the federal government. Many people align themselves with other people who share similar beliefs or opinions on issues. The formation of political parties was no different. In United States many issues prompted the creation of political parties. Some of the issues were the excise tax and sedition act. Issues, such as these, caused division among the people and states of the United States of America. Political parties were formed in the United States because of a feud between Hamilton and Jefferson, people disagreed on controversial issues, and George Washington's farewell speech was ignored; ultimately leading to the American people dividing themselves into parties.
The feud between Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson help cause the creation of political parties. Hamilton and Jefferson rarely agreed with each other, even though they were both in George Washington's cabinet. Jefferson believed that Hamilton wanted a corrupted monarchy in the US.(Document 1) Jefferson's opinion made Hamilton upset and believed his opinion was dangerous to the integrity his administration. Hamilton wrote in a letter to friend that Jefferson is openly hostile to him and his administration. In addition, Jefferson opinion on government are dangerous to America because he does not support funding the debt.(Document 2) Hamilton and Jefferson were very opinionated so they were always arguing over something, whether it would be national debt or the size of the Army. The constant disagreement help to lead to the division into a political parties because both had influence over the general populations opinion.
While government officials argued their be...

... middle of paper ... people divided themselves into parties anyways.
The American people started to take sides and divide themselves into political parties. Hamilton and Jefferson were prominent figures in the political arena at the time, influencing public opinion. The American people started to take sides on issues such as the excise tax, furthering the development of political parties. Even though Washington stated that political parties are evil, people such as Jefferson and Hamilton kept dividing the country. The rise of political parties are in short the fault of the American people, with Jefferson and Hamilton being the catalyst that sped up the creation of parties. In summary, political parties formed because Jefferson and Hamilton were in a feud with each other, the American people had strong disagreements with each other, and Washington's farewell speech fell on deaf ears.

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