The Theory of Sports Education

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Sports Education is a Physical Education teaching model that aims to put students in a real life game situation. This includes putting students onto teams, giving them the skills they need to participate effectively and to perform to their best personal ability. Overall, Sports Education aims to take students out of physical education class, and put them onto a sports field as part of a team, all striving for one ultimate goal, to win.

“A curriculum and instruction model designed to provide authentic, educationally rich sport experiences for girls and boys in the context of school physical education (Siedentop 2002, pg.409).” This quote, taken directly out of the book Quality PE Through Positive Sports Experiences by Daryl Siedentop directly identifies the sole idea of Sports Education. Sports Education is used in schools when children are young, in hope that they will gain a passion towards a certain sport so they will join a team and become more active. Children that do not have opportunities due to family issues or any type of restrictions may fall in love with a sport and follow that sport for years to come, putting them into a healthy lifestyle.

Sports Education units have multiple objectives, which all benefit the students in one-way or another. One of the large benefits is that students gain skills and fitness that is related to a specific sport or activity. This teaches them that staying physically active is beneficial to their health and that not all physical activities have to be boring and tedious, sports are fun and get people running around, and in shape. Sports Education units also give the students the opportunity to create different plays and strategize how they are going to attack a goal, this teaches them org...

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...l Education.

Sports Education is a way to get uninvolved kids, involved with different sports through a real life season setting. Student’s physical abilities as well as their knowledge for the game will increase and in result, they will hopefully fall in love with a sport. As a teacher, our main goal is to get students involved physically, and teach them life long healthy habits to keep their bodies active and healthy. Overall, Sports Education is a great way to get children involved and let them learn how to play, strategize, and fall in love with all sports at hand.

Works Cited

Quality PE through positive sports experiences By, Daryl Siedentop 2002

Complete Guide to Sport Education By, Daryl Siedentop, Peter A. Hastie and Hans van der Mars 2004

Sports Education Seasons By Sean M. Bulger, Derek J. Mohr, Richard M. Rairigh, and J. Scott Townsend

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