Motivation In Foreign Language

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1.1 Introduction
When we read or hear the word "motivation", many words and expressions are triggered in our minds: Goal - desire - will - effort - ambition - energy - persistence -achieve- inspire - reward. Indeed, motivational issues take up large part of our daily life. When we talk about likes and dislikes, interests, or wishes, we are in fact concerning ourselves with main motivational determinants of human being. When we complain about long working hours, poor salaries, tough colleagues, or alternatively when we are pleased by the recognition of our achievements, promotions and generous incentives, we are addressing issues at the heart of the motivational psychology. Yet, Kanfer (1998:12) states that motivation is “psychological mechanisms …show more content…

Dörnyei (1994) unequivocally states that motivation is one of the main determinants of second/ foreign language learning. Interestingly, motivation is perceived as cyclic, going up and down, affecting language achievement and being affected by it (Dörnyei, 2001). He also claimed that a demotivated person is someone who initially has had motivation to fulfil a goal or to engage in an activity and has lost the motivation to do so because of negative external factors that related to the environment in which learning takes place such as the classroom and school. Nikolov (1999), in Dörnyei, (2001) found that the most important demotivating factors for all the age groups were related to the learning situations such as materials, the teacher or teaching methods and he added that these factors had great effect on language acquisition and …show more content…

Based on my experience for nearly eight years as a teacher of English as a second language and foreign language, I found that some students are struggling and really have to put in massive amounts of effort in learning the language. They always tell the teacher that the English language is very difficult, questioning on the reasons why they need or should learn English, complaining that learning English took a lot of their time, in addition to various other reactions to show their displeasure at having to learn the language. With such a scenario, I was motivated to investigate the reasons why are the students less interested in learning English, what are their attitudes and motivational orientations toward learning of English language and what are the factors that affect students’ attitudes and motivation to learn English. Motivation is a very important, if not the most important factor in language learning (Van Lier 1996: 98). Beliefs and attitudes have a powerful effect on behaviour. By exploring and investigating the Libyan learners’ attitudes and motivational orientations, it may help the learners in developing, enhancing and sustaining their motivation in learning English. It is very important to address their needs and motivational

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