Gender Theory Gender

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The world one lives in it happens to grasp that all humans are designed as equals. This is far-off from reality based on how this society is operating. The principle of equality does not imply that everyone is the same, nevertheless that everyone should be treated as equals unless special circumstances apply. When it comes to the two sexes, everything that comes in its bounds is either biased intentionally or unintentionally, either way it continues. A gender role is a set of societal norms dictating what is acceptable or appropriate for a person’s sex. One could be aware of the characteristics and factors of identity that enables others to treat another differently by analyzing the aspects of society through race, religion, language, sexual orientation, economic status and also the level of education. The theory of equality is somewhat understandable, but what about the female population? Where is their equality in this society? A woman’s worth persists to be amplified by their physical attributes and nothing …show more content…

This hidden curriculum of lessons endured in the everyday functioning of the classroom where teachers are unaware of their own biased teaching behaviors for the sake their diligent duties as teachers. These teachers are applying their teaching based on how they obtained it. In the younger age, the learning environment is feminine since the adult females outnumber the male teachers. Teachers present curricular materials that contain gender stereotype behavior which the students internalize and exhibit these behaviors which in turn guide their own behaviors and preferences. In these institutions, teachers receive little training in combating gender stereotypes of their own and others and as a consequence, teachers often model, reinforce and lay the foundation for gender role differentiation among their

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