What Are The Characteristics Of Personality

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The ten most prominent traits that I believe best explain my personailty are practical, assertive, outgoing, emotional, relaxed, shrewd, tough-minded, conscientious, self-sufficient, and suspicious. I chose these from Cattell 's sixteen personality factors found in our textbook. I believe that this list strongly encompasses me as a person and could be a decent judge of my behovior or actions in certain situations. When given the same list and the same definition my boyfriend of four years, the person that I believe knows me the best, chose seven of the same traits I had. I believe the difference can be account for because of him pushing his wants on be, such as his believeing that i need him thus not so self-sufficient. Over all we came up …show more content…

Social-cognitive theory to me explains personality as behaviors caused by expectations. This theory is the one that I believe that I, myself can best relate to. I see myself everyday playing out situations in my head and later acting in the manner that I had believed would end with the best outcome of the situation. I chose this theory because I believe that it is the easiest to see in ourselves and in others. We as human beings have expectations for everything and it would be silly to think that we never acted based upon them. The behaviorist theory to me, explains as the effects that your enviormental situation has on your behaviors. I chose this theory because I strongly believe that we are a product of our raisings. I believe that we grow and learn from our mistakes and that greatly effects how we will act in the future. Everything about this theory makes sense to me, a child gets stung by a bee after throwing a rock at its hive, next time the child sees a bee hive they stay far away. The humanistic theory to me says that we as humans have free will and that will effect how we behave or act in any given situation. I chose this theory because I believe that when it comes to personaility the idea

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