Theories of Ranciere and Gramsci

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Knowledge is something that everyone develops throughout his or her life by either visually, experience, or education. Education plays a huge role in ones life, and is the main factor for the build up of knowledge of a person. *Both Ranciere and Gramsci had similar theories about education, by that they both believed two things can be related to each other, and learning a language is important. Knowing the language of a foreign country can be very challenging and difficult, but is also very helpful and useful in ones life. Both Ranciere and Gramsci are educated people with interesting and fascinating theories.

Ranciere and Gramsci both had a similar theory about education that two things can be related to each other. Jacotot being a French literature lecturer from the book, “The Ignorant Schoolmaster,” believed in his theory that, “One must learn something and relate everything else to it”(Ranciere 20). Jacotot’s theory was in other words, knowledge learned could be compared to everything that relates to the piece of knowledge, which can possibly create greater knowledge for the ...

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