Theoretical Self Analysis Essay

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Erik Erikson composed a theory of psychological development that was composed of eight stages. Erikson’s theory focuses on how personalities evolve throughout life as a result of the interaction between biologically based maturation and the demands of society. According to Erikson, “Each stage of human development presents its characteristic crises. Coping well with each crisis makes an individual better prepared to cope with the next.” (Zastrow & Kirst-Ashman, 2013, p. 314) According to Erikson’s eight stages of development, I have only been through six of the eight stages. Stage one of Erikson’s psychosocial theory is called “Basic Trust versus Basic Mistrust.” This stage ranges from birth to eighteen months of age. According to Erikson, during this stage my parents were the main variable from which I learned to trust. They provided me love, care, and nourishment so that I could learn to trust them. In my particular case, being as though I am adopted, it was probably a little harder at first for me to trust my parents. Even though my parents constantly babysat me before they became my foster parents at three month of age, I can only imagine how much harder it was for them to create a trusting bond with me in the beginning. Stage two of Erikson’s psychosocial theory is called “Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt.” This stage ranges between the ages of eighteen months to three years of age. According to Erikson, during this stage I was striving to learn to do things independently, such as feeding myself, walking, and using the bathroom. Accomplishing these tasks provided me with a sense of self-worth and self-confidence. On the other hand, if I was constantly punished at this age I would doubt myself, rather than gain confidence... ... middle of paper ... ...eling of inferiority therefore; I will do whatever it takes to not feel that way. Stage five taught me how to identify with who I was. During this stage I accepted certain things about myself and learned new interest that stick with me till this very day. Rather than be confused with who I was or what I wanted to be, during this stage I identified with myself. During stage six, the final stage I am learning that I have issues with isolation and have a strong need for intimacy because of the strong relationship I have had with my father since I as a child. I am still currently going through this stage and am wondering if I it is something I will grow out of, or is something that will stick with me forever. Works Cited Zastrow, C., & Kirst-Ashman, K. K. (2013). Understanding human behavior and the social environment. Australia: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning.

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