Theodore Roosevelt Theoduis Auchincloss Summary

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In the book Theodore Roosevelt by Louis Auchincloss, I learned a great deal about the twenty-sixth President of the United States of America. Former President T. Roosevelt made many accomplishments as president, and did not have a high number of scandals. Roosevelt did very well in keeping the peace between the different countries, which earned him many admirers and the coveted Nobel Peace Prize. The author’s purpose for writing Theodore Roosevelt was to tell his readers all about America’s former president, Theodore Roosevelt’s life. Louis Auchincloss did a great job at describing President T. Roosevelt’s life from Teddy’s childhood, his life before presidency, to all of Teddy’s accomplishments as president, and finally to his life after his …show more content…

When he returned, he was a representative to the Republican convention in Chicago, and this is where he started his amazing friendship with Henry Cabot Lodge that would end up lasting the rest of Roosevelt’s life. Two years after his first wife’s death, Roosevelt got married again to a woman named Edith Carow in 1886. Before Roosevelt became President of the United States, he held several political positions, including the assistant secretary under John Long, the president of New York City’s Board of Police Commissioners, Vice President, but one of his most important positions was the command of the Rough Riders, Teddy’s regiment in the Spanish-American war. While in command of the Rough Riders, Roosevelt became an American hero after a victory against the enemy that no one that was there expected him to survive. After doing so well while at war, Theodore felt that he had earned and should be given the Medal of Honor, but this is something he never got to …show more content…

One of his accomplishments was when he went down in of the United States’ first submarines to show officers and men who were enlisted that he was not going to ask them to try something that he was not willing to try himself. Other successes for President T. Roosevelt was his involvement in the Alaskan-Canadian border dispute and his involvement in the Algeciras Conference – which avoided a war. Roosevelt’s main accomplishments during his second term were the Hepburn Bill, the Pure Food and Drug Act, The Panic of 1907, and creating the first wildlife refuge. Toward the end of his second term, Teddy started thinking about who would be the best fit for the next president. He had it between William Howard Taft and Elihu Root, but in the end thought that Taft would be the best bet and America agreed with him when Taft was up against William Jennings Bryan in the

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