Theme of Success in Yuset Komunyaka´s Glory and Emily Dickinson´s Success is Counted Sweetest

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In various forms of literature there is theme. The theme is the central idea of the story that is inferred by the reader from details in the story. A theme is the main concept of the writing. The poems Glory by Yusef Komunyakaa and Success is Counted Sweetest by Emily Dickinson share the theme of success. Success is the achievement of an intention that was planned or attempted. Success not only requires bravery and courage, but hard work and determination. The theme of success in the poem, Glory, comes from the success achieved by the young men playing baseball. The theme of success in the poem, Success is Counted Sweetest, comes from the achievement of victory in battle. The theme of success in Glory and Success is Counted Sweetest is important and is stressed to the reader.
The theme of the poem, Glory by Yusef Komunyakaa, is success. The young men playing baseball achieve the success in the poem. After working all day, as they play baseball the feeling of hitting a home run or stealing a base means more than anything to them. They feel a rush of success. The figurative language o...

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