Arab Conquest Of Central Asia Essay

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The Arab Conquest of the Central Asia was a significant event which impacted on the whole region at the beginning of the eighth century. Abu Ja’far Muhammad al-Tabari was one of the historians who described this conquest for the Muslim population later in ninth century by using different accounts (p. 16). His text is useful for the evaluation of Qutayba’s conquests of Central Asia and can be compared with the same century’s Persian historian al-Baladhuri (p. 11) and his description of the Arab Conquest.
This excerpt can be regarded as relevant to the Silk Roads Survey due to the fact that it reflects in detail all aspects of past events, and emphasizes their historical importance. Firstly, the author refers to accounts from various sources …show more content…

Al-Baladhury has written on the Arab conquest also by using different accounts but in different narration style by listing events that happened (p.11). They equally describe the conquest of Samarkand, when the king of Sogdiana appealed for the support of Shash king and even this attempt was not successful (p. 12, 17). However, al-Tabari is more precise in the description of the battle. Also there is a disagreement in the size of payments for capitulation, for example al-Baladhury gives two versions 1.2 million and 700,000 dirhams (p.13) whereas al-Tabari writes about 2.2 million dirhams per annum and 30,000 slaves (p.18). In the same time they both point that Qutayba ordered to burn temples and houses for idols and has participated in this process himself (p. 13, 18-19). There are different points of view on the Islamisation of the Sogdian population. Baladhury explains it as the consequence of the burning of sacred sites and jizya tax for non-Muslims (p. 13, 15) while al-Tabari explains it by taxes only (p. 19-20). In the description of the Paykend battle the both state that it was forced by Qutayba (p.12) but Tabari describes in detail the tide of the battle (p.21). Hence, both of these historians gave equal description of general events happened during

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