What Is The Dangers Of Texting And Driving

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This is what someone looks like when they text and drive. This table could have been another car on the road in which case I would not be standing here in front of you right now. I would probably be laying on the floor, knocked out or dead. Driving is probably one of the most, if not the most, dangerous thing that we do every day. Cell phones while a good way to call for help, locate the nearest Taco Bell, or listen to our favorite song, become a threat when we are tempted to text on them while we drive. Texting while driving can be deadly. According to Donttextdrive.com the United States Department of Transportation stated that 1.6 million car accidents each year had cell phone usage involved and that those 1.6 million crashes caused 500,000 …show more content…

As a result a driver’s reaction time is greatly reduced. According to autoinsurance.org a driver that is texting needs an extra 70 feet to come to a stop whereas a drunk driver only needs an extra 4 feet of stopping distance. This comparison is beyond staggering! Lastly, if you are texting while driving, you are 8 times more likely to crash. Let that statistic sink in for a moment. Now think about this: if you are driving at 55 mph and take your eyes off the road to text a simple message you have traveled the length of an entire football …show more content…

Distraction.gov states that “traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for American teens. And when it comes to distraction driving, young people are among the most likely to text and talk behind the wheel.” Autoinsurance.org says that 46% of teens admit to texting while they drive. A video on Distraction.gov tells the story of a teenage girl who was popular in high school and had lots of friends. Her mom says she taught her daughter all the right things – the danger of alcohol and drugs, hanging around good kids, and keeping her grades up. She was unaware, though, of how much her daughter used her cell phone. Her daughter assured her that she would not use her phone while driving. Her daughter admits that she ignored the dangers of texting while driving and ended up in a horrendous car crash. She suffered emotional turmoil, permanent scars on her face, blindness in one eye, hearing loss, loss of smell, loss of ability to create tears, and now requires medication to fall asleep. In the video, she repeats multiple times how hard it is being alone because all of her friends got tired of her and her problems after she was in the

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