The Tet Offensive Of The Vietnam War

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Until the Tet Offensive media coverage of the Vietnam War was of mild and positive reports of the fighting. Media reporters had only been filming in isolated areas of combat that didn’t show the harsh fighting that was occurring elsewhere. Public opinion of the Vietnam War was greatly affected after the Tet Offensive. Images that the media displayed of the fighting between U.S, ARVN forces and North Vietnam, Vietcong forces played a great factor into the drop in support from the American public about the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive was a propaganda failure.
Tet is a holiday celebrated by the Vietnamese people in honor of the Vietnamese New Year. This holiday caused a seven day cease fire by the North and South Vietnamese sides. Due to the cease fire Vietnamese soldiers were able celebrate this honorary holiday with their families. The Tet Offensive began January 31st 1968, when the North Vietnamese troops and Vietcong attacked over 100 cities in South Vietnam, breaking the cease fire agreement. They targeted against population centers and U.S. installations. The U.S and ARVN forces were able to overcome the surprise attacks from the communist forces. In some locations the U.S. and ARVN forces had hours of advance notice. This was caused by the North Vietnamese troops and Vietcong having failed to communicate and attack everywhere all at the same time. The fighting during the Tet Offensive was different than the U.S. soldiers were used to. This fighting was done in urban areas, which involved a lot of civilians as well as U.S soldiers having to always be on the lookout for snipers. The North Vietnamese and Vietcong forces were not able to hold their captured cities and were forced to withdraw. Although each side suffered fr...

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...e U.S. was making no progress in Vietnam they would not be happy about sending their father’s, son’s, and brother’s to fight in a war that they felt was not worth fighting for.
The Tet Offensive media made the American public see the true extent of the fighting that was happening in Vietnam. After these realizations had been made the American public found it difficult to trust the government since they had been so misinformed about the Vietnam War. The media images released did not help boost American support for the war, it did the exact opposite. Public opinion of the Vietnam War was greatly affected after the Tet Offensive. Images that the media displayed of the fighting between U.S, ARVN forces and North Vietnam, Vietcong forces were a great factor into the drop in support from the American public about the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive was a propaganda failure

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