What Is The Article Romantic Partners-Friends, Friends With Benefits And Casual Partners?

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In 2011, the article, “Romantic Partners, Friends, Friends with Benefits, and Casual Acquaintances as Sexual Partners,” by Wyndol Furman and Laura Shaffer was published in Journal of Sex Research. It was in Volume 48, Issue 6 and on page 554-564. The article is about a study which examined sexual behaviors that associates with different types of partners. The purpose of this research was to contribute a thorough analysis of sexual behavior among young adults. The hypothesis was young adults would engage in nonsexual activities with friends with benefits less than typical friends but more than casual acquaintances. Another hypothesis is that friends with benefits also have to be friends. The authors conducted an experiment in which they asked 163 young adults about their sexual activities which included light nongenital, heavy nongenital, and genital activity. They also have to …show more content…

I learned that young adults can engage in sexual activities not only with romantic partners but also with other types of relationship as well. The article also touched on a new concept, friends with benefits (FWB). In my opinion, FWB is still consider a type of relationship that lines between a friend and a partner. Young adults are primarily engaged in this kind of relationship because of no commitment or no strings attached. As a young adult and a college student, I think it is understandable why young adults like this relationship. First of all, young adults are less likely to involve in long-term commitment. Second of all, some young adults are more comfortable to have friends that interested in only sexual activities without emotionally attached. Not only they receive the benefits (sexual pleasure) but also the friendship. Because people already have a mind set when they commit to this type of relation ship, friends with benefits do not always end badly. They usually come back to be a typical

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