Analysis Of The Dreadful Scoring Rubric

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The Dreadful Scoring Rubric My junior year of high school, I used to sit in the middle of my AP English Language class to avoid being called on by my teacher, Mr. Johnson. He was an old man with an advanced vocabulary and an awkward humor. I was quite intimidated by this teacher like no other teacher. I would feel intimidated to talk or to submit my work. Stepping into the class, from the first day, I was able to feel the the high expectations of my work once we were handed the scoring rubric for the writing produced in the class and I had a feeling I was unable to meet that criteria. Throughout the first two years of high school, I didn’t work much on improving my writing. Getting through the English classes were fairly easy because there was not much of a challenge for me. My teachers didn’t expect much in my assignments and homework, except completion. Therefore, I didn’t work on my own or sought for help to improve on my writing.
However, I did know that my writing was not perfect and I had to seek for ways to improve it. In this class, I would try to work on it with as much practice I could get, especially to get prepared for the AP test. I would read as many articles online and …show more content…

Every time I would get a paper back, I would flip it downwards, that way no one would see my score, corrections or the comments made. I just knew there would be a lot marks on my paper or low score. In most cases, I knew I would get a “3 or 4” and in one case it was a “4 or 5” circled on the header of my paper. The “or” would always make me mad because I would always think that my papers were not good enough. I would see my score as the lower number in the scoring rubric sheet. Also, knowing Mr. Johnson’s big vocabulary, my writing and vocabulary use was nowhere near his expertise. I would think to myself, why even try because it was not good

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