Terrorist Organizations Worldwide

1247 Words3 Pages

Terrorism is an international problem, which includes more than terrorist acts. It includes sabotage, destruction of property, efforts to injure, efforts to kill, propaganda that attempts to justify violence, intimidation, and threats. However, terrorism is defined as "the unlawful use of force or violence against persons or property to intimidate or coerce a government, the civilian population, or any segment thereof, in furtherance of political or social objectives," by the FBI (The Terrorism Research Center). Most terrorism is blind in that its acts are not meant distinctively for civilians, servicemen, or politicians. Thus terrorism can be deleterious to all people, regardless of religion, creed, age, gender, or social status.

The approaching millenium brings even more terrorist acts than ever due to the fact that the millenium is thought to be the Apocalypse. Satan, the Christian version of the Devil, and its counterparts are prophesized to roam the earth after the Apocalypse. Some terrorists think that they are trying to prepare this world for them. Even though this group numbers few, the destruction its members cause is quite large-scale.

Currently, there are over 90 major terrorist organizations worldwide, making terrorism a very urgent ever-growing problem. However, the number of counterrorist organizations varies from nation to nation. Even though most nations have counterrorist special operations forces (SOFs), they usually are undermanned, lacking in training, and underequipped (Special Operations.com). There are some exceptions to this generalization though. Israel and Thailand both have high-tech SOFs that are very successful at their designated tasks. This generalization is also not true of the United States and...

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...unter-terrorism is somewhat effective but could be much more effective if it was stauncher and not as lax. New legislation should be enacted and less leeway should be given to citizens. Also, rights should be withheld on certain accounts. When constitutional rights are involved nothing is too far except violating the First Amendment.

Terrorism can range from airplane hijackings to a World Trade Center bombing and everything in between. Terrorism will become the prominent form of war in the twenty-first century and will cause much havoc if more is not done by the United Nations as a whole. Terrorists will overrun many a country if stauncher policies are taken by the major world powers, especially the United States, in order to counteract terrorism.

Works Cited

Counterterrorism and Security International. [Online] Available. http://www.antiterrorism.org, 3/11/99

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