Terrorism: Causes and Effects

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Terrorism: Causes and Effects
On Tuesday, September 11, 2001, terrorists hijacked four airliners and crashed them into different spots in the United States, resulting in nearly 3,000 deaths (9/11 Commemorations and Memorials). This tragedy had triggered a continuous battle held by governments, especially the United States, against terrorist groups. Ever since, terrorism, the act or threat of violence causing serious damage for political aims (TERRORISM), commenced to attract global attention strongly. The causes as well as impacts of these actions are various and complex.
The Twin Towers were crashed into by two airliners in the September 11 attack.
The reasons behind terrorism vary according to living conditions, ethnicity, nationality and religion. The root cause of many attacks is poor governance. Governments’ corruption over a long period leads to injustice, economical and political instability, in which violence emerges as a solution. Through the existence of violence in societies as a part of the culture, the idea of using violence and consequently, terrorism, to end the chaos is implemented in some individuals’ mind. This idea is supported by Robert L. Feldman from U.S. Foreign Military Studies Office, who wrote: “In the wake of these failing societies, first verbal dissent and then physical dissent, as expressed by acts of violence, can be found” (Feldman, 2009).
Differentiation in treatment between races and religious group is noted by the European research project ‘Transnational Terrorism, Security and the Rule of Law’ as another major cause of terrorism (Concepts of Terrorism, 2008). Specifically, this is the negative development of nationalism, racism, and religious separation, where terrorism is a tool to grab global attention. Most terrorists at first live in societies with strong beliefs in a religion or with nationalism. However, their nations are over-influenced by or have conflicts with other nations and cultures. Rejecting this, the love of some individuals becomes hatred and terrorism forms. As an example, Al Qaeda, a notorious terrorist group, wants to eliminate non-Muslim factors on Muslim lands.
Number of incidents caused by each terrorist group ideology from Institute for Economics and Peace

Terrorism’s consequences are in a variety of forms. Directly, lives are lost and infrastructure is damaged. In 2011 alone, there were 4,564 terrorist attacks, causing 7,473 fatalities and wounding many more, excluding government-backed actions like aerial bombing (Apps, 2012). There are also indirect impacts. First, the victim will face psychological disorientations. In specific, most will face acute stress disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder (Greig, 2006).

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