Terrorism and World Politics

1979 Words4 Pages

Definition of Terrorism:
▪ The act of destruction is performed by a person or group of persons not acting on behalf of an established government ,
▪ The act of destruction is performed to redress a real or imaginary injustice, and
▪ The act is aimed directly or indirectly at an established government, who is seen as the cause of the injustice.
Types of Terrorism:
• International terrorism: Terrorism practiced in a foreign country by terrorists who are not native to that country
• Domestic terrorism: Terrorism practiced in your own country against your own people
• State Terrorism: A government commits acts of terror against its own citizens.
• Anti-state Terrorism: Any terrorist act not committed by a government

Components of terrorism:
• Legality and Illegality of Terrorism: Most official definitions of terrorism also contain the word "unlawful" or "criminal" as part of the definition. This is because the purpose of such definitions is to make the activity defined as "terrorism" a crime in the country where it is being defined. Lawfulness or criminality, however, are not part of the activity itself, but depend on whether such activity is considered lawful or unlawful in a particular country.
• Morality and Immorality of Terrorism: An act of terrorism. In itself, is neither moral, nor immoral - no act in itself ever is. Morality of an act is determined by the intentions of its perpetrators and by the circumstances under which it takes place. 'Killing' is a morally neutral act, it is the intention of the killer and the circumstances under which the act takes place, that make it a crime of 'murder' subject to a heavy punishment, an 'unfortunate accident', or an 'act of velour' rewarded by a medal.
• Terrorism, Wars and Matters ...

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...that 3rd world countries are sponsoring Terrorism. Q2: 50% said that negotiations/peace talks are the way to curb terrorism and 50% said that Nuclear Proliferation/creation can curb Terrorism. Q3: 50% said that Political Terrorism is (A violent criminal behavior designed primarily to generate fear in the community for political purposes), 25% said that Political Terrorism is killing political figures and 25% said that political terrorism is the 2 mentioned above including Political Bullying. Q4:75% said that the motivation behind political terrorism is, A) to force pressure and produce widespread fear, b) influence government decisions, legislations, or other critical decisions C) to effect political change (basically all 3 answers) and 25% said that motivation behind political terrorism is to influence government decisions, legislations, or other critical decisions.

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