The Pros And Cons Of International Terrorism And Domestic Terrorism

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Terrorism has always been around and always will be around. Lately, though, terrorism has become more brutal. More and more people are being killed everyday because of it. Hundreds of terrorist organizations and entities exist all over the world. The deadliest, however, are from the Middle East or Africa. Their targets are as populous as the Earth. Nobody is off limits. Generally, they like to kill anyone and everyone who opposes them in any way, shape, or form. Since the mid- to late-1990s, the Middle Eastern nations especially have been under close watch because of all the terrorist organizations, their attacks on many non-Muslim groups and nations, and now national agencies, militant groups, and even the President are doing all they can to stop terrorism before it gets worse. Terrorism, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is the use of violent acts to frighten the people in an area as a way of trying to achieve a political goal. The true definition is much more than that, though. The FBI splits terrorism into two subcategories: international terrorism and domestic terrorism. “International terrorism means …show more content…

All of those subdivisions work separately under the same name. Each mini group has their own operations that they are in charge of completing. Al Qaeda’s major attack was, in fact, 9/11. That started what President Bush coined the War on Terror or the Global War on Terrorism. This is not what one would call a “usual” war. The War on Terror will not have an end because terrorism is not a movement, but rather a tactic. “In the case of terrorism, particular movements might decline or vanish--and happily, al-Qaeda itself is on a downward trajectory--but terrorism as such is not going away” (Jenkins). Most Muslims are not terrorists, but most international terrorists are Muslim, which is why this war will not end. The President can defeat terrorist organizations, but he cannot defeat terrorism. It will never

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