Terrorism: Terrorism And The Major Evils Of Terrorism

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By defining terrorism, we can begin to look at what terrorism really is about. It is not just coercion, but it’s also revenge. It is the deliberate act of killing innocent people in order to achieve a terrorist’s political and religious goals. To justify terrorism equals justifying the innocent slaughter. Terrorism challenges the natural need for humans to see their world as predictable, orderly, and controllable. The violence of terrorism in its many forms is abhorrent to all that believe human life is a gift of god and therefore infinitely precious. Terrorism is a complicated phenomenon and the evils of it are one of the greatest threats to our modern day future.

The definition of terrorism is very subjective, as the actions that some people regard as terroristic might be regarded as others as freedom fighting or some other much more positive term than terroristic. The major Sociological Perspective (Functionalism, Conflict Theory, and Symbolic Interactions) offer some very different understandings of terrorism. Yet together they capture the major dimensions of these two forms of conflict (terrorism and war). Functionalism emphasizes the ways in which terrorism and subsequently the war that precedes it as being useful for society, including the creation of social solidarity, contribution of scientific and technological developments, and also may help in the preservation of freedom and democracy. Conflict Theory states how terrorism and the war it wages against it advance the interests of the military-industrial …show more content…

The determination of the driving force in what causes terroristic behavior is no easy task. The psychology of terrorism is marked by theory and opinions than by actual scientific methodology, examining the terrorists and their acts from afar can lead to erroneous conclusions because one group’s terrorist is another group’s freedom

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