A Temporary Solution To A Permanent Problem Research Paper

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A Temporary Solution to a Permanent Problem
Ever since Christopher Columbus’ accidental discovery of the Americas, people have swarmed into what is now the United States of America. To this day, hundreds of thousands of people leave their homes behind to come to this foreign land in the hope of a better future for themselves and their children. Some spend their entire life savings to fill out paperwork that may never be approved. For many, this is not an option due to their financial status. They sneak into the country and smuggle in their families. The United States’ Department of Homeland security estimates that there are about eleven million illegal immigrants residing in the country, and of those eleven million, over six and a half million are Mexicans (Hoefer, Rytina, and Baker 4). For decades, the government of the United States has been going back and forth on how to secure our borders and what to do with all these illegal immigrants. As a child of immigrant parents, I say what’s so wrong with granting amnesty to people whose only crime is trying to live the American dream?
To fully comprehend illegal immigration, we must first understand what compels immigrants, specifically Mexican immigrants, to take the risks of illegally entering a country. We also need background knowledge of how our government has handled illegal immigration in the past, what policies they uphold today, and how these policies effect current illegal immigrants and whether or not it can prevent illegal immigration in the future. Most importantly, we should know how majority of the American people feel towards illegal immigrants.
For many generations now, Mexicans have illegally crossed the border into the United States. Although t...

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...and a higher education; not to flee their country for crimes they have committed. They steer clear of breaking any laws, even minor traffic violations, to avoid being turned in and deported. Millions of undocumented immigrants are already living in our country without background checks. Granting them amnesty will allow the government to keep track of them.
Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors came to America without any paperwork. They settled on land that belonged to Native Americans. Unless one is of Native American descendant, we are all immigrants from elsewhere. Although DACA is a step forward, it does not address the reoccurring immigration problem in our country. Granting amnesty is not only the best solution, but also the most feasible. America is known for its diversity, and undocumented immigrants are the secret ingredient to our melting pot.

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