Television and Children

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Television and Children

It seems so perfect. Dad is on the couch with his feet up, while Mom and the children quietly watch a program on television. There is no fighting among the children as their eyes are transfixed on a world of wonder and make-believe. Soon, however, that perfect world is poisoned by images of people being violently murdered and half-naked bimbos prancing across the television screen. Perhaps changing the channel is the solution, right? Wrong. A different channel reveals more of the same. There is simply no escaping the debauchery of the images that children are subject to daily, simply by turning on the television. In my opinion, the media should clean up the programming. That is unlikely to happen, however. Fortunately, parents reserve the right to remove the “sin bin” from their homes, as it is my opinion that parents have a moral obligation to control what information is permitted to enter into their child’s mind.

Television has had a glamorous past. Images of John Wayne fighting Indians, or the Apollo rocket landing on the moon bring back pleasant memories. Saturday mornings were reserved for bleary-eyed children, with bowls of cereal; planted firmly in front of the television. Sundays were even better, as football fans across the country cheered wildly for their favorite team. When televisions could only receive ten or twelve channels, the negative effect was present, but only minimally. With the rapid advance of technology, however, the massive conglomerate known as the American Media began to offer hundreds of channels to its customers. For children, summers that were previously spent riding bicycles and exploring the woods, were replaced by a daily routine of mind-numbing television programming. Bu...

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... parents, caregivers, and educators in their lives to ensure that kids’ viewing experiences are enriching and not damaging”.

A child is one of the most precious gifts that the Creator has blessed us with. It is the obligation of the caregivers to ensure that they grow up in a moral environment; and children that are taught the simple truths between right and wrong have a greater chance of success in life. Clearly, television can have detrimental effects on a child, and it is my opinion that television watching should be replaced with quality family time, which can be something as simple as sitting in the kitchen after dinner, talking; or going out for ice-cream. How shameful it would be to stand in front of the Creator and be chastised for not equipping our children with the proper training that is required for a child to grow into a healthy and productive citizen.

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