Misconceptions And Effects Of Telecommuting

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Telecommuting is a business practice in which employees work from their homes. Many people have misconceptions about telecommuting and it’s often is seen by many people as an ideal job. However, many do not know the time and effort it takes to be a telecommuter, nor do they know about the conflict it causes with family, coworkers, mental health, women working in the workplace, and even affects the individuals’ chances to promote. Misconceptions are part of the reason telecommuting is still around. If individuals were more educated about telecommuting they would probably think twice before considering a job like this. Although many believe telecommuting creates more opportunity in the workforce for women and that it also creates a comfortable …show more content…

An example of this was in a study by Igbaria & Guimaraes, “telecommuters were less satisfied with coworkers and promotion than non-telecommuters” (Igbaria & Guimaraes, 1999, p. 157). The quote by Igbaria & Guimaraes clearly suggests that telecommuters have a harder time with their coworkers and promotions. This might be an effect of the isolation in telecommuting. These stressors are different oppose to their non-telecommuting coworkers, it’s would be common conclusions that these stressors would not exist in a normal workplace environment. A further examination into the promotion rates of telecommuters would lead to the finding of Peters & Wetzel (2008), “no evidence that output related rewards such as bonuses, performance allowances or profit sharing seemed to be associated with being a formal teleworker nor with long actual working hours and long paid overtime” (Peters & Wetzel, 2008, p. 17). There are no rewards such as bonuses, performance in allowances for the telecommuter working overtime or longer hours in comparison to coworkers. This information needs many telecommuters do not get the proper credit for their longer hours and more time working. Furthermore, it’s not necessarily the hours worked, but the work completed that should be taken into effect when evaluating the work ethic of telecommuters. This information …show more content…

Many of these disadvantages are not thought of when discussing telecommuting. In fact there many misconceptions about telecommuting, most people would think of telecommuting as a way to bond with your family or to balance home, however, in all actuality working from home with a family is an increased challenge. Bernardi (1998) works described, “Potential distractions from televisions, family members and refrigerators and difficulty separating work and home (Bernardi, 1998. p. 1).” Most employees do not think about the challenging environment and the potential of distractions that they might face. This quote explains that for telecommuters’ interaction, such as family interruptions were distractions while working from home. Igbaria & Guimaraes (1999) explained employee tries to be accommodated by changes to the family structure as they begin their telecommuting career. However, they also try and save on child which causes problems with multitasking at home and other problems a non-telecommute would face. (Igbaria & Guimaraes, 1999) In addition to Igbaria & Guimaraes, even that Bernardi suggests, that employee and companies should be aware “that this type of arrangement is not a substitute for child or elder care” (Bernardi, 1998 p. 1). This suggests that telecommuting is not a way to save on

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