Teenage Crush

502 Words2 Pages

Butterflies. Daydreaming. Embarrassment. Stumbling of words. Excitement. Sweaty hands. Shyness. Thrill. Confusing signs. Giggles. Blushing. Crush.

A crush is generally a term used for children or even more often, teenagers. It is typically a small infatuation with another person that seems to be more important than it actually is.

Teenagers develop a lot of different emotions when experiencing a crush. Usually, they become somewhat shy around that person and begin to get nervous.

Many people mistake the term “crush” for love or something along the lines of love. However, having a crush is completely different. A crush, many times, is just a few things that you like about that person that make you want to be closer to them and get to know them. Love happens when you pass this step.

A crush is also an aspect of high school life that can make it exciting and worthwhile for some people. It gives them something to talk about with their friends and something that keeps them wanting to go to school. A lot of excitement comes with having a crush. Friends might spen...

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