Essay On Teen Suicide Prevention

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Teen Suicide is On the Rise: Prevention is Essential
Mental disorders, drug and alcohol abuse, eating disorders, and social stigmas are all pulling on our youth of today. Per the CDC, [Center for Disease Control and Prevention] “Suicide is the second leading cause of death for ages 10-24” (2014 CDC WISQARS). Prevention is essential to save the future of the youth of tomorrow, that they may reach a healthy adulthood. Concurring with Cheryl Williams, head of our local NAMI [National Alliance for the Mental Illness] stigmas must be broken for them to seek help without judgment from peers. Although the triggers of suicidal tendencies may change due to the differences of society’s advances, suicide can be placed in one or more of three categories: …show more content…

Many teens dabble with drugs and/or alcohol depending on their environment or circumstances. What they do not know is it intensifies depression and mood swings which they do not understand. (Anderson, 2004) Some teens already have mental disorders, which make them seek self-medication through alcohol and drugs. This pushes them over the edge, turning to suicide to ease their pain. Prevention is essential. Intervention must happen for them to be off drugs and alcohol, they need counseling to deal with their environment or circumstances which drove them to self-medication. Many times, self -medicating is a way to deal with a much bigger problem, such as; Depression, Bipolar Disorder, and …show more content…

Feelings of being down or blue are part of being a teenager, but when they are ignored or minimized, feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, and serious depression can set in.” (Anderson, 2004 p24) Depression must be treated. The stereotypes must be taken down for our teens to reach adulthood safely and unharmed. Communication must be opened with peers, counselors, parents, or physicians for this epidemic of suicide to stop. Prevention is eminent.
As researchers Dhawan, Balhara, Natasha (2007) have explained, “Over 90% of children and adolescents who commit suicide have a mental disorder before their death.” Bipolar Disorder is hard to diagnose correctly, many times it goes undiagnosed for years. A lot of teens self-medicate before being diagnosed as being Bipolar. However, once diagnosed many would rather not take the medication prescribed because of the way it makes them feel. In between this cycle, on meds, off meds; that is when suicide attempts occur. It is an overwhelming cycle, proper diagnosis, and help for prevention are

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