Teen Pregnancy: The Road to Ending it.

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Teen pregnancy is a topic that does not shock any human to hear about anymore. Humans are accustomed to teen girls having children earlier in life because teen pregnancy has become so typical. For this reason, teens see nothing wrong with having sex with each other. Due to this assumption, many teenage girls are becoming pregnant and the lives of teenagers having sex are changing dramatically. The biggest way to bring an end to this problem is to make abstinence only education mandatory in every elementary and high school in the country. Getting pregnant and having a child as a teenager is not what teenage girls desire so early in life. However, as time has gone on, more teen girls are becoming pregnant in high school. The reasoning behind this serious issue could be the lack of discipline in the teenager girl’s home. A teenage girl’s mother could have had her as a teenage girl in high school; therefore, the mother might not stress abstinence in the home. Another reason this problem occurs is a guy’s ability to talk a girl into having sex. A guy knows exactly what to say and do in order to make a girl feel special which in return will cause her to do things she would not normally do in order to keep him in her life. Bill Hewitt states in his article titled, “Teen Pregnancy ON THE RISE,” “Between 2005 to 2007 the teen birthrate increased 5 percent. (In 2006 Alaska led the nation with a 19 percent jump.)” An increase like this one needs to be brought to an end. Teenager’s lives are being changed dramatically because they are having children so early in life. This recent inclination will come to an end if abstinence only education is taught as a mandatory course all four years of a student’s high school career. In a few years of ... ... middle of paper ... ...ts to realize he or she is special and he or she needs to have respect for him or herself. Abstinence only education is the solution to ending teen pregnancy; therefore, this program needs to be put into action as soon as possible. Works Cited Hewitt, Bill. "Teen Pregnancy ON THE RISE." People Weekly 1 June 2009: 63. General OneFile. Web. 10 Oct. 2010. Hutchins, Summer. Personal interview. 13 October 2010. Marshall, Jennifer A. "Teach abstinence: a major new study has found abstinence sex education is more effective than contraceptive education in delaying teen sexual activity. Now Jennifer A. Marshall argues for a new look at the controversial idea." Investigate Mar. 2010: 52+. General OneFile. Web. 10 Oct. 2010. Schneider, Mary Ellen. "Formal programs don't change abstinence rates." Family Practice News 37.17 (2007): 45. General OneFile. Web. 11 Oct. 2010.

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