Persuasive Essay On Teen Drug Prevention

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Teen Drug Prevention Sammi J. Whitt C-TEC of Licking County Not many people are aware that the first time can also be the last time. Experimenting with different drugs is a very serious topic. Not only are there serious consequences when it comes to trying different drugs. It could even lead to death, whether it is the first time you have taken this drug or the hundredth. Every human body is made differently, meaning not everyone reacts the same way to certain antibiotics. Many things can lead to teens experimenting with drugs, whether it is peer pressure, stress, depression, or just plain curiosity. With the use of logic, various drug horror stories told by other teens through drug prevention classes will persuade The National Crime Prevention Councils explains that, “Teenagers often don 't see the link between their actions today and the consequences tomorrow. They also have a tendency to feel indestructible and immune to the problems that others experience” (NCPC, 2013, para. 5). Many people believe that a child’s parents are the line of defense at preventing the encounter of drugs. However, this is what has lead to so many teen experimentations. While the parents are not knowledgeable enough of what is new in today’s generation, teens are more easily able to get their hands on what they want. Therefore, the parents are not entirely to blame, although teens need more awareness other than a pep Before they know it it can be gone in an instant, or changed forever. Therefore, the solution to this problem is creating various drug prevention and awareness programs and classes throughout schools in the county. The teens will need at least 2 of these classes to graduate high school, counting as high school credits. This will provide the teens of new knowledge about the dangers of drugs, and how they are able to cause harm. Action should be taken right away in order to set these classes in place. This will successfully escort teens away from the idea of experimenting with new

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