Is Technology Becoming Danderous for Children Today

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Children in today’s society appear to be distracted, inactive and at risk due to modern day technology and social networks. Technology can be an addition to a child’s daily life, but can also be a hindrance to their quality of work, health, safety, and education. Childhood obesity, problems in education, and childhood sex abuse are continuing to rise, and some of the problem may be due to the technology we all enjoy so much.
In the Unites States technology has rapidly grown and will continue to grow into our next generation. Although this can be a benefit in many ways it can cause some serious issues for children and youth. Parents today permit children to have devices such as cell phones to be informed of their whereabouts, and for safety reasons. Parents don’t always take into consideration the dangers. According to Myers, online predators are becoming more dangerous (42.) Mainly due to the ease of access like chats, email, text, and media networks. Sexual Abuse without physical contact has become more frequent (Mohler-Kuo, et. al. “Child Sexual Abuse Revisited: A Population-Based Cross Section Study among Swill Adolescents,” J. Adolescents Health (Oct. 2013.) Sex offenders have manipulated the system in their favor to attack children and youth through technology. Children are trustworthy and do not know who they are communicating with or who they are giving personal information to. They are immensely vulnerable on the internet. In addition to email and chats, they use cell phone apps and maps to identify their home address and current locations. Social network require personal information for anyone that joins their networks, which consequently is easily accessible to the public and predators. So what can be done? Can they be ...

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...more parents can control the use of the devices in hand. Do not allow children to take the devices to school. Limit electronic usage during school days to reduce rushing through homework and assignments. In past generations the families and children grew to old ages without the use of technology, this should not be such an impossible task for today or tomorrow’s generations.
In today’s society, technology is a must have, and can be a great addition to one’s life if used in moderation and with responsibility. Children need guidance and authority in the use of technology. With proper control, issues will be less likely to occur. Like it or not, technology is growing and will only become more advanced and daily used. But, it will only become what it is allowed. Parents can control technology in their homes and their children. It is an action only the parents can make.

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