Technology In The Medical Field Essay

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Technology in the Medical Field The advancement of technology has been evolving for over decades. The use of technology in the medical field is very beneficial to the healthcare workers. In the medical field technology is being used in a number of different ways to help improve patient safety. Evolving technology has a direct effect on the medical field. Technology is used in the medical field by barcode scanning, robots, and smart infusion pumps to ensure that nurses, surgeons, and even physicians are making fewer mistakes, and to help them be more accurate when performing a procedure on a patient. There are multiple medical facilities whose workers have stated that their medical errors have reached to an alarming amount. The Institute of …show more content…

(Gerhardus …show more content…

There are two different types of robots that can be used in surgeries, which are passive and active. According to Gerhardus, “ A physician controls a passive robot” (245). Physicians use passive robots to help them be more precise, accurate, and safer when performing a surgery. Gerhardus states that a passive robot is mainly used to perform cardiac surgery (245). The use of robot-assisted surgery has advantages and disadvantages. Surgeons, who are willing to use robots during surgery, will improve their patient’s quality of care, and they will cause the amount of pain the patient experience to reduce, and the patient’s recovery will be much quicker (Gerhardus 245). For instance, a patient whose surgery was performed using a robotic system will recover in about a week, however; another patient who had the same surgery, but the surgeon did not use the robotic system will recover in about two weeks or sometimes even longer. Also, according to Gerhardus, “Robot-assisted surgery reduces the rate of occurrence of bacterial infections and blood transfusions” (250). According to Gerhardus the disadvantage of using robots to help perform surgery is that each medical facility will have to spend a large amount of money to make sure that the workers are educated and trained to use this type of technology, when performing a surgery (249). Even though robot-assisted surgery has a disadvantage, it is only one

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