Technological Tools Available for The Kids

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Depending on how society uses contemporary technologies will determine whether or not the technologies are beneficial of hurtful. Contemporary technologies that are widely used such as the Internet and television are not fundamentally bad. The problem is the current application of the media is an obstruction to progress. In “The End of Solitude,” William Deresiewicz, argues that the contemporary self wants to be visible and that younger generations have undermined the significance and benefits of solitude (91). Comparably, Neil Postman’s, “Television as Teacher,” argues that television in the educational setting does not teach children to learn but rather it teaches them to expect education to be entertaining (421-430). Both of the authors argue that the dominant technologies of their time have negative cultural and social influences. The concerns that are raised not only question the impact of new media, but also what the influences mean for future generations. Contemporary technology is misunderstood, and if Americans start a conversation about suitable use younger generations will be inclined to use the technologies appropriately.

Throughout history, technological advances have given civilization the opportunity to revolutionize the way they learn and communicate. Postman mentions shifts in education over the course of history. He does this in order to explain to his audience that technology changes and civilization will adjust their lives according to technologies available. Postman states that these changes particularly the incorporation of television in the classroom, “has the power to control the time, attention, and cognitive habits of youth,” and as a consequence these changes have gained the power to control their educ...

... middle of paper ... is important that the technological tools available to us are used in a meaningful way. A dialogue must be started if America has any interest in changing the way contemporary technologies are used and consequently perceived. Technology is not a panacea, it is a tool, and when used correctly it can aid humanity in unbelievable ways.

Works Cited

Ashikmlakonja. “Neil Postman We Are Amusing Ourselves to Death Part I & II, Dec 1985.” Online Clip. Youtube. Youtube, Dec 18, 2011. Web. 28 Feb. 2014.

Deresiewicz, William. “The End of Solitude.” From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Text and Reader. Ed. Stuart Greene. April Lidinsky. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012. 91-98. Print.

Postman, Neil. “Television as Teacher.” From Inquiry to Academic Writing: A Text and Reader. Ed. Stuart Greene. April Lidinsky. Boston: Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2012.421-430. Print.

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