Techniques for Interviewing Manager Position Candidates

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The Human Resources Department of an organization is responsible for recruiting the best employees for their organization's needs. They are looking for talented applicants who fit their culture and who demonstrate experience in management, organization, human relations, time management and knowledge about the company. Recruitment strategies are critical in attracting potential candidates. Basic information about the applicants is obtained through the application process and review of their resume; however, the interviewer should be looking for those traits and qualifications that are essential to the Service department’s needs. That is why a set of pointed questions during the interview would be an opportunity for the interviewer to observe the applicant’s unprepared and candid responses.

Interviewing Manager Position Candidates

The different roles of a manager revolve around interpersonal relationships, the transfer of information, and decision-making (Robbins & Coulter, 2007). A candidate who is articulate, organized and decisive is one who has the attributes to ...

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