Tattoos and Their Effect on the World around Them

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As tattoos become more and more involved and apparent in the American culture it affects how people receive what is professional and what is personal expression. Through this growing trend of tattoos in our culture, the question of what is socially acceptable starts to beg for an answer. If all forms expression are okay as a whole, does that make all tattoos okay and presentable in all situations? With the professional image stressed in American industry there is a cause for concern as to where to draw the line when it comes to the acceptability of tattoos in the work field. Between America’s interpretation of “Professional” outward appearance, current tattoo policies in the work forces, , and possible infringements of the first amendment, a biblical view, and health code violations, tattoos are the cause of much deliberation. For those that desire a tattoo or those who wish to start a respectable and well associated business it is important to understand that tattoos are permanent mark on the body and when unconcealed can cause a larger than imagined consequences. They are a permanent part of the bodies that are marked and in turn the bodies that mark America. It is not that tattoos are an awful form of self expression, but the fact that there is a time and place to make a statement, and the work field is not one of them.
The art of tattooing started as a tradition in the cultures of the ancient East at a time of approximately 6000 BC. From this point tattoos made their way towards eastern civilization and then into the America’s by 2000 BC (sanders 9). Tattoos first entrance as a part of American culture started with the military, as veterans returned home and marked their bodies as tributes to their time in the war an...

... middle of paper ... of the Tattoo Patron." Journal of Retailing & Consumer Services 20.4 (2013): 389-99. EBSCOhost. Web. 21 Oct. 2013.
Sneden, Priscilla. "Corps Realigns Tattoo Policy." Marines 39.1 (2010): 32-35. MasterFILE Premier. Web. 20 Nov. 2013Vanston, Deborah, and James Scott. "Health Risks, Medical Complications and Negative Social Implications Associated with Adolescent Tattoo and Body Piercing Practices."Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 3.3 (2008): 221-33. Print.
Vanston, Deborah, and James Scott. "Health Risks, Medical Complications and Negative Social Implications Associated with Adolescent Tattoo and Body Piercing Practices."Vulnerable Children and Youth Studies 3.3 (2008): 221-33. Print.
"What Does the Bible Say About Getting Tattoos?" Bible FAQ. United Church of God, 2013. Web. 18 Nov. 2013.

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