Why Should Teachers Should Be Overpaid?

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Teachers have affected many over the years. Without teachers many wouldn’t know how to count, tie their shoes, or even read. Teachers are a huge part of our community and should be paid the same as doctors. Doctors heal the body and mind, while teachers create and inspire those very minds. Teaching is a lower salary career, compared to other careers like computer programming,registered nurse and even accounting. Now of course there is many different wages and routes can be attained while teaching. A teacher can be public, private, early childhood, primary, secondary and special education. Salaries with teaching can vary on which county, state, country, union, higher education and what the teacher decides to teach. Which makes its hard to determine if all teachers are underpaid or overpaid. Just focusing on public school teachers because they are underpaid from the differences of salary wages, certain statistics saying teachers are overpaid, and dividing of government funds.
Compared to other careers teachers are they putting …show more content…

One reason being teachers only work around 185 to 195 days a year, compared with 260 days for typical for other careers. Teachers get summer, holidays, weekends off, and only working 36.5 hours a week. Now in 2005, a study was taken to prove that teacher get paid hourly around $34.06. Which was much 61% better than other careers. Now counteracting that argument the OECD found American teachers spent more hours in their classrooms working than almost every other country. Teachers still have to grade papers, create lesson plans, and have school board meetings. As well as that some public school teachers have second jobs. Another reason is the benefits that teachers can get. Some benefits that comes with teaching are retirement, health, dental, and paid time off. Teachers can retire if they have 25 years of teaching. Health and dental

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